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BOOK REVIEWS 305 Josiah Royce, The Principles o] Logic. New York, Philosophical Library, 1961. Pp. 77. $2.75. Es handelt sich um einen Abdruck ans: Encyclopaedia o] the Philosophical Sciences, Vol. I, Logic. By A. Ruge, W. Windelband, J. Royce, L. Couturat, B. Croce, F. Enriques, N. Losski], London 1913, herausgegeben von H. Jones und zwar des Abschnittes den Royce beigetragen hat. Die genannte Encyclopaedia ist die yon B. Ethel Meyer angefertigte Ubersetzung von: Enzykloptidie der philosophischen Wissenscha# in Verbindung mit Wilhelm Windelband hg. von Arnold Ruge, 1. Bd., Logik (Tiibingen 1912; nicht mehr erschienen). Diese Tatsachen sind im vorliegenden Abdruct unvollst~ndig, zum Teil sogar in irrefiihrender Weise angegeben; der Name der Ubersetzerin ist gar verschwiegen, so dass der Eindruck entsteht, es handle sich um eine erst jetzt fiir die Philosophical Library gemachte Ubersetzung. --P. M. J. L. Austin, How to do things with words. New York, Oxford University Press, 1965. Pp. 168. $1.35. These famous William James Lectures delivered by Austin at Harvard in 1955, edited by J. O. Urmson and published first in 1962,are here reprinted as a paperback (Galaxy Book). They present Austin's analysis of language, resulting in differentiating locutionary, illocutionary (roughly: performative), and perlocutionary types of speech acts. --P. M. BOOKS RECEIVED Aquinas, St. Thomas, Siger of Brabaat, St. Bonaventure, On the Eternity o] the World (De Aeternitate Mundi). Trans. from the Latin, with an introduction, by Cyril Vollert, Lottie H. Kendzierski, Paul M. Byrne. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Marquette University Press, 1964. xii + 117 pp. :- Mediaeval Philosophical Texts in Translation, No. 16. Paper $3.00. Arnauld, The Art o] Thinking. Indianapolis, etc., Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1964.378 pp. =- Library of Liberal Arts, 144. Paperbound. Aschenbrenner, Karl, and Arnold Isenberg, eds., Aesthetic Theories: Studies in the Philosophy o] Art. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-Hall [1965].xi + 491 (double col.) pp. $7.95. Baker, Joseph E., Shelley's Platonic Answer to a Platonic Attack on Poetry. Iowa City, University of Iowa Press [1965]. [iii] + 72 pp. Paper $1.50. Berti, Enrico, L'unitd del sapere in Aristotele. Padova, Cedam, 1965. 202 pp. ----Pubblicazioni della Scuola di Perfezionamento in Filosofia dell~niversith di Padova, 3. L2.000. Blondel, Maurice, The Letter on Apologetics, and History and Dogma. Texts presented and trans, by Alexander Dru and Illtyd Trethowan. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston [1964]. 301 pp. $6.95. Born, Max, Natural philosophy of cause and change. Being the Waynflete Lectures delivered in the College of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, in hilary term, 1948, together with a new essay, "Symbol and Reality." New York, Dover Publications, Inc. [1964]. x, [iii] + 239 pp. Paperbound $1.50. Brehier, Emile, The History of Philosophy; [II:] The Hellenistic and Roman Age. Trans. by Wade Baskin. Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press [1965]. 261 pp. $6.75. (The present bibliography has been enlarged to include recent publications. These have been supplied by the translator and William Bondeson.) Brett's History of Psychology. Edited and abridged by R. S. Peters. Cambridge, Mass., M.I.T. Press, 1965. 778 pp. (Paperback reprint of the edition 1962.) Butler, R. J., ed., Analytical Philosophy. Second Series. New York, Barnes and Noble, 1965. 193 c pp. $5.0O. ajetan, Commentary on Being and Essence (In De Ente et Essentia d. Thomas Aquinatis). Trans. from the Latin, with an Introduction, by Lottie H. Kendzierski and Francis C. Wade, S.J. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Marquette University Press, 1964.355 pp. ----Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation, No. 14. Paper $6.50. Calvez, Jean-Yves, The Social Thought of John XXIII : Mater et Magistra. Trans. by George J. M. McKenzie. Chicago, Henry Regnery Co. [1965].xi $ 121 pp. $3.75. Campanella, Tommaso, Cosmologia. Inediti Theologicorum Liber III. Testo Critico e Traduzione [Italiana] a Cura di Romano Amerio. R0ma, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 1964.210 pp. ~ Edizione Nazionale dei Classici del Pensiero Italiano, Serie II, 17. L. 5.000. Casserley, J. V. Langmead, Toward a Theology of History. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston [1965].ix + 238 pp. $6.00. Clone, Edmondo, Leibniz. Napoli, Libreria Scientifica Editriee [1964]. 540 pp. = Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Filosofia Teoretica dell~Jniversit~ di Napoli, IV. L. 4.000. 306 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Claesges, Ulrich...

