In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Journal of the Early RepublicVolume 32, 2012


The Man with the Dirty Black Beard: Race, Class, and Schools in the Antebellum South
Harry L. Watson 1
“So Truly Afflicting and Distressing to Me His Sorrowing Mother”: Expressions of Maternal Grief in Eighteenth-Century Philadelphia
Lucia McMahon 27
“Ticketed Through”: The Commodification of Travel in the Nineteenth Century
Will B. Mackintosh 61
John Heckewelder’s “Pieces of Secrecy”: Dissimulation and Class in the Writings of a Moravian Missionary
Keat Murray 91
Slavery, Settlement, and Empire: The Expansion and Growth of Slavery in the Interior of the North American Continent, 1770–1820
John Craig Hammond 175
From Blood Vessels to Global Networks of Exchange: The Physiology of Benjamin Rush’s Early Republic
Sari Altschuler 207
Slave Trading in a New World: The Strategies of North American Slave Traders in the Age of Abolition
Leonardo Marques 233
Women on the Edge: Life at Street Level in the Early Republic
Gloria L. Main 331
Poor Women and the Boston Almshouse in the Early Republic
Ruth Wallis Herndon 349
Women and Work in the Philadelphia Almshouse, 1790–1840
Monique Bourque 383
Survival Strategies of Poor White Women in Savannah, 1800–1860
Tim Lockley 415
“Driven to the Commission of This Crime”: Women and Infanticide in Baltimore, 1835–1860
Katie M. Hemphill 437
Poor Mothers, Stepmothers, and Foster Mothers in Early Republic and Antebellum Charleston
John E. Murray 463
“A Dangerous Set of People”: British Captives and the Making of Revolutionary Identity in the Mid-Atlantic Interior
Ken Miller 565
“From a Nation of Drunkards, We Have Become a Sober People”: The Wyandot Experience in the Ohio Valley during the Early Republic
Shannon Bontrager 603
Women and Property in Early Louisiana: Legal Systems at Odds
Sara Brooks Sundberg 633
“From the New World to the Old, and Back Again”: Whig University Leaders and Trans-Atlantic Nationalism in the Era of 1848
Brian M. Ingrassia 667
Review Essays 261, 493
Editor’s Pages 693
Reviews 127, 279, 499, 697

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