In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Doctoral Dissertations in Military History
  • Edward A. Goedecken and Dennis E. Showalter

This is the thirty-third supplement to Doctoral Dissertations in Military Affairs: A Bibliography (Manhattan: Kansas State University Library, 1972). Information on dissertations published in the United Kingdom is based on: (1) Historical Research for University Degrees in the United Kingdom, published each May by the University of London Institute of Historical Research; or (2) the quarterly Index to Theses, which is listed as ITT, vol. # (issue #), year. The compilers would appreciate information regarding omissions and dissertations completed outside the United States. Write: Edward A. Goedeken, Parks Library, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011.

Listings below include the order number of the dissertation (which may be purchased from University Microfilms International, Dissertation Copies, P. O. Box 1764, Ann Arbor, MI 48106) and the issue of Dissertation Abstracts International in which the abstract appeared. If no DAI issue is given, the dissertation is from a university that does not cooperate with DAI. For dissertations with no order number (n.o.n.), researchers should contact the university directly. For universities located in Canada, microfiche copies of dissertations are available from the National Library, Ottawa, Canada. In addition, the Center for Research Libraries holds a collection of foreign doctoral dissertations, which can be used through interlibrary loan. Write: Director, The Center for Research Libraries, 5721 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. The subject field for entries is history unless it is spelled out or indicated by one of the following abbreviations:


American Studies






Mass Communications






Business Administration


Education/Educational Psych.




Political Science/International Relations/Public Admin.


Sociology/Social Work [End Page 999]

Section I: Studies in World Military History

A. Ancient History

Flynt, Shannon Rogers. “The Military Vici of Noricum,” University of Missouri- Columbia, 2005, ISBN 0-542-50319-0, Jl. 2006.
Jones, Kenneth Raymond. “Provincial Reactions to Roman Imperialism: The Aftermath of the Jewish Revolt, A.D. 66-70,” University of California, Berkeley, 2006, ISBN 978-0- 542-82473-9, Feb. 2007.

B. Asia/Oceania

Fan, Yu-Wen. “Becoming a Civilian: Mainland Chinese Soldiers/Veterans and the State of Taiwan, 1949-2001,” New School University, 2005 (SO), ISBN 978-0-542-63196-2, Oct. 2006.
Fortune, Gabrielle Ann. “Mr. Jones’ Wives: World War II War Brides of New Zealand Servicemen,” University of Auckland (New Zealand), 2005, ISBN 0-542-49486-8, Jl. 2006.
Jongnam, Na. “Making Cold War Soldiers: The Americanization of the South Korean Army, 1945-1955,” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006, ISBN 978- 0-542-63053-8, Oct. 2006.
Karacas, Cary Lee. “Tokyo from the Fire: War, Occupation, and the Remaking of a Metropolis,” University of California, Berkeley, 2006 (GEOGRAPHY), ISBN 978-0-542-82524-8, Feb. 2007.
Kaseda, Yoshinori. “The Japanese Security Policy after the Cold War: An Econocentric Realist Account,” Northern Illinois University, 2005 (PS), ISBN 0-542-53318-9, Aug. 2006.
Kwak, Tae Yang. “The Anvil of War: The Legacies of Korean Participation in the Vietnam War,” Harvard University, 2006, ISBN 978-0-542-69313-7, Nov. 2006.
Obermiller, David John. “The U.S. Military Occupation of Okinawa: Politicizing and Contesting Okinawan Identity, 1945-1955,” University of Iowa, 2006, ISBN 978-0-542- 79592-3, Jan. 2007.
Plum, M. Colette. “Unlikely Heirs: War Orphans during the Second Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945,” Stanford University, 2006, ISBN 978-0-542-89537-1, Mar. 2007.
Tsao, Hsiung Yuan. “China as a Rising Sea Power: Coastal Defense, Active Offense Defense and Ocean Defense,” University of Denver, 2006 (PS), ISBN 978-0-542- 91171-2, Apr. 2007.

C. Africa

Adupa, Cyprian Ben. “Conflict Continuous: The Historical Context for the Northern Uganda Conflict,” Indiana University, 2006, DA3243792, Je. 2007.
Cross, Glenn A. “Dirty War: The Rhodesian Chemical and Biological Warfare Effort, 1975 to 1979,” George Mason University, 2007, ISBN 978-0-542-88400-9, Mar. 2007.
Park, Augustine. “Diamonds in the RUF: Mercy, Reintegration and the Crafting of Childhood. The Case of Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone,” York University (Canada), 2006 (PS), ISBN 978-0-494-19795-0, Je. 2007.
Wassermann, Johannes Michiel. “The Natal Afrikaner and the Anglo-Boer War...

