In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 7


Anglin-Jaffe, Hannah, From “Freak Show” to “Charity Case”: The “Containment” of Deafness in Wilkie Collins’s Hide and Seek 53
Arndt, Katrina and Maia Van Beuren, The Speed of Dark and This Alien Shore: Representations of Cognitive Difference 89
Barker, Clare, “The Ancestors Within”: Genetics, Biocolonialism, and Medical Ethics in Patricia Grace’s Baby No-Eyes 141
Barounis, Cynthia, “Why so serious?” Cripping Camp Performance in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight 305
Cheyne, Ria, Disability Studies Reads the Romance 37
Coogan, Tom, “Usually I Love The Onion, but This Time You’ve Gone Too Far”: Disability Humour and Transgression 1
Coogan, Tom and Rebecca Mallett, Introduction: Disability, Humour and Comedy 247
Couzelis, Mary J., “Who We Was”: Creating Witnesses in Joseph Bruchac’s Hidden Roots 159
Fink, Moritz, “People Who Look Like Things”: Representations of Disability in The Simpsons 255
Hsu, Stephanie, The Ontology of Disability in Chang-rae Lee’s The Surrendered 19
Kelsey, Penelope, Disability and Native North American Boarding School Narratives: Madonna Swan and Sioux Sanitorium 195
Kuppers, Petra, Decolonizing Disability, Indigeneity, Poetic Methods: Hanging Out in Australia 175
Mills, Brett, Invalid Animals: Finding the Non-Human Funny in Special Needs Pets 321
Narduzzi, Dilia, Regulating Affect and Reproducing Norms: Alice Munro’s “Child’s Play” 71
Senier, Siobhan “Traditionally, Disability Was Not Seen as Such”: Writing and Healing in the Work of Mohegan Medicine People 213
Senier, Siobhan and Clare Barker, Introduction to JCLDS 7.2 123
Smith, Darryl A., Handi-/Cappin’ Slaves and Laughter by the Dozens: Divine Dismemberment and Disability Humor in the US 289
Walters, Shannon, Cool Aspie Humor: Cognitive Difference and Kenneth Burke’s Comic Corrective in The Big Bang Theory and Community 271

[End Page 357]

Comment from the Field

McLelland, Kaye, Northern Renaissance Seminar: Disability and the Renaissance 231
Ogden, Cassie, Conference Report: Theorizing Normalcy and the Mundane—3rd International Annual Conference, University of Chester 105
Shain, Alan, Perspectives on Comedy and Performance as Radical Disability Activism 337

Book Reviews

Bolt, David, Julia Miele Rodas and Elizabeth J. Donaldson, eds, The Madwoman and the Blindman: Jane Eyre, Discourse, Disability (Maria Frawley) 238
Ellis, Katie and Mike Kent, Disability and New Media (Alan Foley) 347
Erevelles, Nirmala, Disability and Difference in Global Contexts: Enabling a Transformative Body Politic (David T. Mitchell) 349
Hall, Alice, Disability and Modern Fiction: Faulkner, Morrison, Coetzee and the Nobel Prize for Literature (Ria Cheyne) 111
McDonagh, Patrick, Idiocy: A Cultural History (Cristina Hanganu-Bresch) 235
Richardson, Niall, Transgressive Bodies: Representations in Film and Popular Culture (Dustin Galer) 114

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