In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

The Journal of Interdisciplinary History Contents, Volume xl, 2009–2010 Number 1, Summer 2009 articles The Facts of Life in Rural Counter-Reformation Tuscany Gregory Hanlon 1 Planning the Peace and Enforcing the Surrender: Deterrence in the Allied Occupations of Germany and Japan Melissa Willard-Foster 37 review essay Extending the Frontiers of Transatlantic Slavery, Partially Paul E. Lovejoy 57 reviews Number 2, Autumn 2009 The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century: Interdisciplinary Perspectives articles Introduction: The Persistence of the “Crisis” Theodore K. Rabb 145 The Economic Crisis of the Seventeenth Century after Fifty Years Jan de Vries 151 Historical Demography and the Crisis of the Seventeenth Century Anne E. C. McCants 195 Accounting for Government: Holland and the Rise of Political Economy in Seventeenth-Century Europe Jacob Soll 215 The Crisis in the Arts of the Seventeenth Century: A Crisis of Representation? Peter Burke 239 Witchcraft Prosecutions and the Decline of Magic Edward Bever 263 Number 3, Winter 2010 Biography and History: Inextricably Interwoven articles Biography and Historiography: Mutual Evidentiary and Interdisciplinary Considerations Robert I. Rotberg 305 Medieval Biography Robert Prestwich 325 Making Darwin: Biography and the Changing Representations of Charles Darwin Janet Browne 347 The Shallow End of History? The Substance and Future of Political Biography Lucy Riall 375 Biography as History: A Personal Reºection Stanley Wolpert 399 Writing Women’s Lives: One Historian’s Perspective Susan Ware 413 reviews Number 4, Spring, 2010 articles The Rise and Fall of the Merchant Guilds: Re-thinking the Comparative Study of Commercial Institutions in Premodern Europe Oscar Gelderblom and Regina Grafe 477 Wealth Inequalities and Population Dynamics in Early Modern Northern Italy Guido Alfani 513 “Working the Waves”: The Plebeian Culture and Moral Economy of Traditional Basque Fishing Brotherhoods Andreas Hess 551 reviews ...

