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  • Contributors

James Cairns is an assistant professor of Contemporary Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. He has published articles on the maintenance of hegemony in Canada, and is the co-author (with Alan Sears) of The Democratic Imagination: Envisioning Popular Power in the 21st Century (University of Toronto Press, 2006).

J. Edward Chamberlin is University Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Toronto. His books include The Harrowing of Eden: White Attitudes toward Native Americans (Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1975), Ripe Was the Drowsy Hour: TheAge of Oscar Wilde (Seabury Press, 1977), Come Back To Me My Language: Poetry and the West Indies (McClelland & Stewart, 1993), If This Is Your Land, Where Are Your Stories?: Finding Common Ground (Knopf Canada, 2003), and Horse: How the Horse Has Shaped Civilizations (BlueBridge, 2006).

Regna Darnell is Distinguished University Professor of Anthropology and First Nations Studies at the University of Western Ontario and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. She has published widely in First Nations language and culture, ethnohistory and ecosystem health as well as in the history of anthropology.

Kenneth C. Dewar is Professor Emeritus in the Department of History, Mount Saint Vincent University. His memoir of the University of Alberta in the early 1960s will appear in Alberta History in Winter 2013.

Peter Farrugia is an associate professor in Contemporary Studies and History at the Brantford Campus of Wilfrid Laurier University and was the founding coordinator of the Core Program in Contemporary Studies. He is currently working on a comparative study of the Imperial War Museum, London, and the Historial de la Grande Guerre, Péronne, exploring the interplay of memory and history in these two renowned institutions and assessing the impact that they have had on understanding of the Great War, both nationally and internationally.

Susan Ferguson is an associate professor of Journalism and Contemporary Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. She has published articles on Canadian political discourse, feminist social reproduction theory, and children’s media and culture.

L.M. Findlay is a professor of English and a founding member of the Indigenous Humanities group at the University of Saskatchewan, and President of Academy One (Arts and Humanities) of the Royal Society of Canada. He is in his third term on CAUT’s Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee which he currently chairs. His recent publications include “Can [End Page 331] the Institution Speak? The University as Testimony in Canada Today” (Humanities Review, 2009), “Extraordinary Renditions: Translating the Humanities Now” (in Retooling the Humanities, 2011), “Citizenship and the University: Beyond the Ugly Canadian and the Semiotic Stockade” (Journal of the Humanities Institute, 2011), “Academic and Artistic Freedom and the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Towards a Pedagogy of the Suppressed” (Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 2010), and a major CAUT report on the Ramesh Thakur affair.

Carole Gerson, is a professor in the department of English at Simon Fraser University and was a co-editor of the multi-volume project, History of the Book in Canada, issued in both French and English. Her ongoing research on early Canadian women writers has yielded many articles and book chapters, two books on Pauline Johnson, and Canadian Women in Print, 1750–1918 (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2010), which received the Gabrielle Roy Prize for Canadian criticism.

Terry Goldie is author of queersexlife: Autobiographical Notes on Sexuality, Gender and Identity (Arsenal Pulp, 2008), Pink Snow: Homotextual Possibilities in Canadian Fiction (Broadview, 2003) and Fear and Temptation the Image of the Indigene in Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Literatures (McGill-Queen’s, 1989). He is editor of In a Queer Country: Gay and Lesbian Studies in the Canadian Context (Arsenal Pulp, 2001) and co-editor, with Daniel David Moses, of An Anthropology of Canadian Native Literature in English (Oxford University Press, 1992). His next book will be Are We Men Yet?: Straight, Gay, Trans and Other Masculinities.

Linda Hutcheon is University Professor Emeritus, Department of English and the Centre for Comparative Literature. She is the author of nine books on contemporary postmodern culture, including The Canadian Postmodern reissued in 2012 by Oxford University Press.

Jo-Anne Muise Lawless is a graduate student in the department of Cultural Analysis and Social Theory at Wilfrid Laurier University...

