In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • New Books
Anctil, Pierre, Norman Ravvin, and Sherry Simon, eds. New Readings of Yiddish Montreal. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2007. 126 pp.
Benidickson, Jamie. The Culture of Flushing: A Social and Legal History of Sewage. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2007. 405 pp.
Blake, Raymond B., ed. Transforming the Nation: Canada and Brian Mulroney. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007. 500 pp. $85.00 cloth, $29.95 paper.
Cavell, Janice, Michael D. Stevenson, and Kevin Spooner, eds. Documents on Canadian External Relations, vol. 26, 1959. Ottawa: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 2006. 1007 pp.
Cheadle, Norman, and Lucien Pelletier, eds. Canadian Cultural Exchange: Translation and Transculturation. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2007. 340 pp. $85.00 cloth.
DePasquale, Paul W., ed. Natives and Settlers Now and Then: Historical Issues and Current Perspectives on Treaties and Land Claims in Canada. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2007. 160 pp. $39.95 paper.
Ellis, Donald, et al. Tsimshian Treasures: The Remarkable Journey of the Dundas Collection. Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, 2007. 144 pp. $55.00 cloth.
Flanagan, Tom. Harper’s Team: Behind the Scenes in the Conservative Rise to Power. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007. 328 pp. $34.95 cloth.
Fleming, R.B., ed. The Wartime Letters of Leslie and Cecil Frost, 1915–1919. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2007. 420 pp. $38.95 cloth.
Graham, Andrew. Canadian Public-Sector Financial Management. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007. 238 pp. $85.00 cloth, $39.95 paper.
Hillmer, Norman, and Adam Chapnick, eds. Canadas of the Mind: The Making and Unmaking of Canadian Nationalisms in the Twentieth Century. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007. 326 pp. $85.00 cloth, $29.95 paper.
King, Russell, ed. Atlas of Human Migration. Richmond Hill, ON: Firefly Books Ltd., 2007. 192 pp. $40.00 cloth.
Kulchysky, Peter and Frank James Tester. Kiumajut (Talking Back): Game Management and Inuit Rights, 1900–70. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2007. 336 pp. $85.00 cloth, $34.95 paper.
Melnyk, George, ed. Great Canadian Film Directors. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2007. 488 pp. $34.95 paper.
O’Brian, John, and Peter White, eds. Beyond Wilderness: The Group of Seven, Canadian Identity, and Contemporary Art. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007. 392 pp. $49.95 paper.
Ommer, Rosemary E. (with the Coasts Under Stress Research Project Team). Coasts Under Stress: Restructuring and Social-Ecological Health. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007. 574 pp. $85.00 cloth, $34.95 paper. [End Page 220]
Pacholik, Barb, and Jana G. Pruden. Sour Milk & Other Saskatchewan Crime Stories. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 2007. 212 pp. $14.95 paper.
Richardson, Peter, and Douglas Richardson. Canadian Churches: An Architectural History. Richmond Hill, ON: Firefly Books Ltd., 2007. 440 pp. $85.00 cloth.
Roussel, Stéphane, ed. Culture stratégique et politique de défense: L’expérience canadienne. Out-remont, Québec: Athéna éditions, 2007. 230 pp.
Smith, Miriam, ed. Group Politics and Social Movements in Canada. Peterborough, ON: Broad-view Press, 2007. 378 pp. $32.95 paper.
Stuart, Reginald C. Dispersed Relations: Americans and Canadians in Upper North America. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. 424 pp. $60.00 cloth.
Thompson, Judy. Recording Their Story: James Teit and the Tahltan. Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, 2007. 207 pp. $55.00 cloth.
Vodden, Christy, and Ian Dyck. A World Inside: A 150-Year History of the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Gatineau, QC: Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation, 2006. 103 pp.
Walker, George A., ed. Graphic Witness: Four Wordless Graphic Novels. Richmond Hill, ON: Firefly Books, 2007. 424 pp. $29.95 paper.
Wilson, Gerrett. Frontier Farewell: The 1870s and the End of the Old West. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 2007. 525 pp. $29.95 paper. [End Page 221]

