In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Exploring Career Options: ImmunologyInterview with James Hildreth
  • Carol Blackburn

Selected Resources

Clark, W.R. At War Within: The Double-Edged Sword of Immunity. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Cohen, J. “The New Face of AIDS.” Science 28 June 1996: 1876–1890.
Gorman, C. “Man of the Year: Dr. David Ho, AIDS Researcher.” Time 30 Dec. 1996: 52–73.
Hall, S.S. A Commotion in the Blood: Life, Death, and the Immune System. New York: Henry Holt, 1997.
Nowak, M.A., and A.J. McMichael. “How AIDS Defeats the Immune System.” Scientific American Aug. 1995: 58–65.
Piel, J., ed. “Life, Death, and the Immune System.” (special issue) Scientific American Sept. 1993: 52–144.

Related Web Sites

All the Virology on the WWW:
HIV Replication:
AIDS Pathology:
For additional related Web sites, see

