In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recently Published Works in Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Most of the entries in this bibliography were catalogued in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) database between April 1 and July 31, 2009. This search is based largely on pre-publication information; titles may have been changed or cancelled.

Reference Works

Avery, Trevor, ed. From Auschwitz to Ambleside. Windermere, UK: Another Space, 2008. 14 pp., ill. Exhibition.
Balestrieri, Attilio, and Raffaele Bracalenti. Dizionario sulla discriminazione: Le parole per comprendere e contrastare la discriminazione etnica e razziale. Rome: EdUP, 2009. 214 pp., bibl. + DVD.
Bensoussan, Georges, Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Edouard Husson, and Joël Kitek, eds. Dictionnaire de la Shoah. Paris: Larousse, 2009. 638 pp., ill., maps, bibl., ind.
Blodig, Vojtech, Miroslava Langhamerová, and Jan Vajskebr. Terezín Small Fortress 1940–1945: A Guide to the Permanent Exhibition in Terezín Small Fortress Museum. Prague: V ráji, 2009. 79 pp., ill., maps.
Cace, Carlam Elena Isabella, and Matteo Signori. Foibe: Dalla tragedia all’esodo. Campobasso, Italy: Palladino, 2009. 163 pp., ill. + DVD. Catalog of photo exhibit of Italians expelled from Istria after WWII.
Cine îi recunoaste? Cluj, Romania: Tranzit Ház, 2008. 62 pp., ill. Exhibition of photos left behind by Cluj Jews deported in 1944.
Giami, Jacques. Chroniques des années de déportation: 1942–1944. Ivry-sur-Seine: Pro-Arte, 2009. 293 pp.
Grabowski, Hans. Das Geld des Terrors: Geld und Geldersatz in deutschen Konzentrationslagern und Gettos 1933 bis 1945. Dokumentation und Katalog basierend auf Belegen der zeitgeschichtlichen Sammlung Wolfgang Haney sowie aus weiteren Sammlungen und Archiven. Regenstauf: Battenberg, 2008. 456 pp., ill., maps, bibl. Concentration camps, economic conditions.
Gruber, Elisabeth, and Cornelia Sulzbacher. Bibliografie Oberdonau. Linz: OÖLA, 2008. 196 pp., bibl., ind. National Socialism, Austria.
Kizelshtain, Martin. Ha-Demàot lo mafsikot li-zerom. Jerusalem: M. Kizelshtain, 2008. 63 pp., ill. Catalog, exhibition.
Kizelshtain, Martin. Ha-Zikhronot rodfim oti la-’ad. Jerusalem: M. Kizelshtain, 2008. 49 pp., ill. Catalog, exhibition.
Klarsfeld, Serge, ed. Mémorial de la déportation des Juifs de France: Ind. alphabetique des convis 1 à 45, ceux de l’année 1942. Paris: Beate Klarsfeld foundation, 2008. ix + 436 pp., ind. Registers of dead.
Levin, Mikael, and Jean-François Chevrier. Cristina’s History. Cherbourg-Octeville: Point du jour, 2009. 159 pp., ill. Exhibition of photographs of a Jewish family from Poland.
Lipecka, Zofia, and Hanna Wróblewska-Straus. Po Jedwabnem. Warsaw: Zachęta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, 2008. 147 pp., ill., bibl. Video installation inspired by Jan Gross’s Neighbors. [End Page 511]
Mindler, Ursula. “Ich hätte viel zu erzählen, aber dazu sage ich nichts . . . ”: Oberwart 1938. Oberwart, Austria: Lex Liszt 12, 2008. 172 pp., ill., bibl. Exhibition on Nazi seizure of power in Oberwart, 1938, focusing on Jewish victims.
Shapiro, Robert Moses, and Tadeusz Epsztein, eds. The Warsaw Ghetto Oyneg Shabes-Ringelblum Archive: Catalog and Guide. Bloomington: Indiana University Press in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Jewish Historical Institute, 2009. xxvi + 541 pp., bibl., ind., ill.
Weniger, Kay. Zwischen Bühne und Baracke: Lexikon der verfolgten Theater-, Film- und Musikkünstler 1933–1945. Berlin: Metropol, 2008. 447 pp., bibl., ind. Entertainers, dictionaries, German.

The Holocaust and Other Nazi-Era Crimes

Albrecht, Peter-Alexis, Leslie Brent, and Inge Lammel, eds. Verstörte Kindheiten: Das Jüdische Waisenhaus in Pankow als Ort der Zuflucht, Geborgenheit und Vertreibung. Berlin: BWV, 2008. 239 pp., ill. Jewish orphanages, buildings, structures.
Angrick, Andrej, and Peter Klein. The “Final Solution” in Riga: Exploitation and Annihilation, 1941–1944. New York: Berghahn Books, 2009. 560 pp., bibl., ind.
Ball, Karyn. Disciplining the Holocaust. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2009. 350 pp. Scholarly ethics.
Baumgartner, Andreas, Ingrid Bauz, and Jean-Marie Winkler, eds. Zwischen Mutterkreuz und Gaskammer: Täterinnen und Mitläuferinnen oder Widerstand und Verfolgung? Beiträge zum Internationalen Symposium “Frauen im KZ-Mauthausen” am 4. Mai 2006. Vienna: Mauthausen-Komitee Österreich, 2008. 188 pp., ill., bibl., conference proceedings.
Baxter, Ian. Auschwitz Death Camp. Barnsley, UK: Pen & Sword Military, 2009. 176 pp. Pictorial works.
Benzenhöfer, Udo. Der Fall Leipzig (alias “Fall Kind Knauer”) und die Planung der NS-“Kindereuthanasie.” Münster: Klemm & Oelschläger, 2008. 151 pp., bibl. Euthanasia, children.
Benz, Wolfgang...

