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The Historical Society National Conference Program JUNE 1-3, 2000-BOSTON UNIVERSITY Program Co-chairs Paul A. RaIu-. University of Tulsa Miriam Levin, Case Western Reserve University Thursday, June 1, 2000 3-5 p.m., Plenary Session "THE ORIGINS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY IMPULSE" Moderator. Bernard Bailvn. Harvard University " I In- Pattern and Escalation ol European Revolution: From the 1 lussiiis ?» the Bolsheviks" —Martin MaIu. University ol California .it Berkeley Respondents: Clifford Orwin, University ot G?t???? Bernard Yack. University ol Wisconsin. Madison 5:15, Reception 6:30, Dinner 8:00, Christopher Lasch Lecture INTRODUCTION; EUGENE D. GENOVESE. PRESIDENT. THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY LECTURE: "COPING WITH LEISURE'-ROBERT W. FOGEL. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Friday, lune 2, 2000 "NEW PERSPECTIVES ON REVOLUTION IN HISTORY" 7:30-9 a.m., Breakfast 9-10:45, Workshops A. ANTICIPATIONS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY IMPULSE: THE REFORMATION Moderator. Megan Armstrong, I 'niwrsitv of Utah Presenters: " The Protestant Reformation as a Revolution: The Case of Geneva" —RoIxti M. kmgdoii. I niwrsitv ol Wisconsin. Madison "Saints and Sinners. IYiests and kings: The RcvnlutKinarv Implications of llx- Reformation" —John Wim. Ir.. Emory I niwrsitv Respondents: Phillip M. Six-rgel. Arizona State Uniwrsitv Su-NVIi Ozmcnt. Hirvard I 'niwrsitv B.THE FRENCH REVOLUTION IN WORLDHISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Moderator: Patrice Higixiix-t. Hirvard Uniwrsitv Presenters: "KeI lectKMis ixi ilx- Frenati Rewiliu??? m Component Perspectiv;" —Daniel Gordon, University of Massachusetts at Amlx-rsi "Religion and tlx- Age of tlx- Pattiotic Rcwilution: An Unlikely Encounter IVuwcn Palmer's 'Democratic Revolution' aixl His 'Catholics .hkI I nbclicwrs in Eighteenth-Century Feanoe'" —Dale K. Vin Kiev. Ohio Siale I 'niwrsitv Respondent Michael A. Moshcr, Uniwrsitv ol luki C.REVOLUTIONARY WARFARE Moderator: Kenneth Gutenberg, SnIIoIk University Presenters: "Soldiers ot llx- National Lilx-ration Front" —U.ivxl Hunt. I 'niwrsitv of Massachusetts at Boston "A Warol" Words: CoI.»ml Northern Rhodesia. 1919" —kann ReUs, Independent Scholar "Insurrection, Rebellion, or Revolution: Anotlx-r I.ook at the AiIXTkMn ( .ivil War" —Anne J. Bailey, Georgia College and State University Il a.m.-12:45 p.m., Workshops A.THE ENGLISH REVOLUTION IN WORLDHISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Moderator. Hirvvv C. Mansfield, Hirrad University I'rcscntcrs: "Two \ iewpoincs on ih.- English Revolution" —Jovve Lee Malcolm, Bcntlev College — Blair Worden. Uniwrsitv of Sussex Responilcnt: lack GoUsIoix. I 'niwrsitv of California. I >.ms B.REVOLUTION IN LATIN AMERICA Moderator: Robert rVquette, Hamilton College I'rcscntcrs: "The Americas in the Age of" Revolution. 1750—1850" —Lester D. Lingley, Uniwrsitv of Georgia "Anti-Imperialism and QaSS Conflict in Luin America: 1808-2000" —k'hn W'omack. Hin.ird Uniwrsitv Respondent Mariano Plolkin. Boston I 'niwrsitv continuedonpage24 23 C.THE GERMAN PROBLEM IN REVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE Moderator: Linda S. Frey, Uniwrsitv of Montana "German Politics in an Age of Democratic Revolution, 1 770-1 9 1 8: Reflection] and Questions" —David E. Barclay, Kalamazoo College " I Ix- Questuili ot ( H-iiiLin Participatory Politics in the Age of I Vnxx-ratk- Revolution, I789-I848" —James M. Brophy. Uniwrsitv ol Delaware Respondent Theodore S. Harnero»·. Uniwrsitv ol Wisconsin, Madison D.THE REVOLUTIONARY INTELLECTUAL Moderator: Emmet Kennedy, George Washington Uniwrsitv Presenters: "The Liberal Critique of tlx- Revolutionary Intellectual: lix-qucvillc and Aron" —Dank-I J. Mahonev. Assumption College " rocquevüle and the Revolutionary Intellectual" —Ralph Hancock. Brighain Young University Respondents Victor Gourcvitch. Wcsleyan Univi:sin Kimbedy kosman. Bost.xi College 12:45-2:15, Lunch STUDENT AFFAIRS-MOCK INTERVIEW SESSIONS 2:15-4, Worhhops A.THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION IN WORLDHISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Moderator: Roben Cottrol, George Washington University Presenters: "Tlx- IVrils of Fxccptionalism: Reflections on the Relevance and Irrelevance >>l the American Revolution" —M.-lvin Yazana, University ol New Mexico "The American Revolution aixl tlx- Making of the Mixiern World" —Prter S. Onuf. University of Virginia Respondents: ("lurks R. kesler, Clarcmont Mckenna College|olin PaIiVk Diggins, City Uniwrsitv ot New York B.THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION IN WORLDHISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Moderator: Lv nix- Viola, University of Toronto Presenters: "Two Viewpoints on the Russian Revolutkxi —Sheila Fit/patrick. Uniwrsitv of Chicago —Stephen M. kotkm, Princeton University Respondent Julius H. Grey, McGiII University C. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN A TIME OF REVOLUTION Moderator: William R. kcvlor. Boston University Presenters: "Pragmatism m Farlv Soviet Foreign Policy" —Michael |. Carlcv. University of Akron —Fcrreindc Sclx-id. Yale University Respondent: Christoplx-r [esptnen, Clark AtLinta...

