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Announcen — T. A multidisciplinar) conference, "Plantations of the Mind: Marketing Myths and Memories in the Heritage Tourism Industry," will lie held at the College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina. April 6—9, 2(XX). The conference will address the current boom in heritage tourism. This development raises questions about the wav-s in which the past is interpreted, and nowhere arc the answers more elusive than in former plantation regions. This conference will address four sets of issues: visitor motivinoli, the presentation and marketing of memory, reception and interpretation, and the impact ot heritage tourism. For program and registration information, see or call Ms. Amelia Spatz at 843/953-1420. An interdisciplinary conference celebrating the centennial ot Puccini's opera Tosca (January 14, 1900, premiere} and the bicentennial of the pivotal event of that opera. Bonaparte's surprise victory at Marengo in June 1 8CX). will take place on June 16-18, 2000, m Rome. Sessions will take place at the Teatro dell'Opera, bringing together specialists from the fields of music, history, and theater to celebrate these important anniversaries and to Study, through the prism ot Puccini's Tosca, the social and cultural implications ot three very diverse moments in Italian and European history: 18(X). P)(X), and 2(XX). Historian Susan V Nicassio is organizing the conference along with IVborah Burton musicologist. Harvard) and two senior Italian scholars. Guido Salvem and Agostino /mo. Further information about the Tosca 2000 conference can be found at the Web site www. or from Susan Nicassio, SVN471 Ì« Callfor Papers and Participants The Film and History League, the conference division of the magazine Film & History, announces its Inaugural National Conference, November K), II, and 12, 2000, to be held in Sum Valley, California. The topic of the conference will be American Presidents in Film: Hollywood Views the White House. Deadline tor papers submitted is [une I, 2(XX). Special tours and VIP access to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library will Ix- available to conference participants. There will Ix- panel presentations on all forty-one presidents, films from presidential libraries, and films featuring presidential portrayals such as Wilson; Young Abe Lincoln; Nixon; and JFK. A well-known publisher lias made an offer to print selected papers from the proceedings. Registration for the conference is S 1 25 prior to June I, 2(XX); S175 thereafter (make clx-ck payable to Film ,uxl History League). Hotel accommodations arc available at the Westlake Hyatt, Wcstlake Village, California, 805/557-1234, at the special low rate of S109 per night, single/double occupancy. Space is limited. Send proposals and conference registration to: Film and History League, RR 3 Box 80. Cleveland. Oklahoma 74020; 918/243-7742; fax 312/577-0742; e-mail More information and electronic registration is available at Reconsidering the Cold War: Fifth Annual Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War, University of California, Santa Barbara, May 19-20, 2000. The Cold War History Group (COWHIG) at the University of California, Santa Barbara, announces a call for papers for its fifth annual graduate student conference. ("OWHIG is pleased to welcome Professor Lirrv lx-rman Uniwrsitv ot California—Davis) as the keniote speaker. He will address the issue of how historians and political scientists can learn Imm each other in producing scholarship on the cold war. COWHIG also invites faculty participation .us commentators and panel chairs. All inquiries about the conference should be sent by e-mail to Jennifer Biker, conference coordinator: For furtlx-r information, visit the Web pge http:/ßelds/tndex.html. continued on page 36 35 ? S ? Callfor Papers The New England Journal of History is looking for papers on the American economy for its fall 2000 issue (deadline: August 15. 2000), for papers devoted to topics useful to secondary teachers for its winter 2(XX) issue deadline: October 15. 2(X)0 . .ind lor papers on the Pacific Rim in the twenty-first century for its spring 2001 issue (deadline: January 15, 2001). For more information please contact Dr. Joseph Harrington, editor, NEJH, 1...

