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  • Contributors

Jeremy Adelman is the Walter Samuel Carpenter III Professor of Spanish Culture and Civilization at Princeton University, where he is also the Director of the Program in Latin American Studies. Among his recent books are Republic of Capital: Buenos Aires and the Legal Transformation of the Atlantic World (Stanford Univ. Press, 1999) and the coauthored Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A History of the Modern World from the Mongol Empire to the Present (W. W. Norton, 2001).

Lauren Benton is Professor of History at New York University. Her book Law and Colonial Cultures: Legal Regimes in World History, 1400–1900 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002) won the 2003 Book Award of the World History Association and the 2003 James Willard Hurst Award of the Law and Society Association.

Susan Besse is Associate Professor of History at City College and the Graduate Center, CUNY, and directs the City College Fellowships Program for undergraduates seeking to enter Ph.D. programs across the disciplines. She is the author of Restructuring Patriarchy: The Modernization of Gender Inequality in Brazil, 1914–1940 (1996).

Sandra Gayol is Associate Professor of Argentine History at the Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento and a researchers for Conicet, Buenos Aires. She is the author of Sociabilidad en Buenos Aires: Hombres, honor y cafés: 1862–1910 (Del Signo, 2000) and coeditor of the book Violencias, delitos y justicias en la Argentina (Manantial–UNGS, 2002). She is currently working on a book about the culture of honor and the practice of dueling in Argentina.

Alejandra B. Osorio is Assistant Professor of History at Wellesley College. Her current project examines the baroque political and cultural making of Lima, the colonial capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru. She is also working on a collaborative project on cities in the Spanish and Portuguese Atlantic Worlds.

Micol Seigel is Assistant Professor of Liberal Studies at the California State University, Los Angeles. She is completing a manuscript entitled Zé Carioca Meets Jim Crow: Making Black and White in Brazil and the United States, 1914–1933, to be published by Duke University Press. Her work appears in the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, the Revista Brasileira de História, and TDR: The Journal of Performance Studies, and is forthcoming in the Radical History Review, Women and Performance, and the Black Music Research Journal.


