In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • 2009 Manuscript Reviewers

We would like to thank all manuscript reviewers for their thoughtful and thorough advice to the editors and to authors over the previous year. Manuscripts are screened editorially and blind-reviewed by research scholars at The Hastings Center, as well as by outside readers. In addition to the reviewers listed below, we would like to thank our colleagues at The Hastings Center for their generous help with these reviews. We apologize in advance if we've missed anyone in the following list.

Nicholas Agar
Victoria University of Wellington

Akira Akabayashi
University of Tokyo

John Arras
University of Virginia

Carol Bayley
Catholic Healthcare West

Howard Brody
University of Texas Medical Branch

Wiley Burke
University of Washington

Courtney S. Campbell
Oregon State University

Arthur Caplan
University of Pennsylvania

Ken Carson
Harvard University

Timothy Caulfield
University of Alberta

James Drane
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Alice Dreger
Northwestern University

Rebecca Dresser
Washington University Law School

Carl Elliott
University of Minnesota

Carolyn Ells
McGill University

Angela Fagerlin
University of Michigan

Margaret Farley
Yale University

Joseph J. Fins
Weill Cornell Medical College

Adriane Fugh-Berman
Georgetown University

David Gems
University College London

Matthew Herder
Loyola University Chicago

Suzanne Holland
University of Puget Sound

Martha R. Jacobs
HealthCare Chaplaincy

Lynn A. Jansen
Saint Vincent's – Manhattan

Albert Jonsen
Sutter Health

Eric Juengst
Case Western Reserve University

Bartha Maria Knoppers
Université de Montréal

Eric Kodish
Cleveland Clinic

Anthony Kovner
New York University

Susan Lederer
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Hilde Lindemann
Michigan State University

Margaret Lock
McGill University

Anne Drapkin Lyerly
Duke University

Mary Mahowald
University of Chicago

Jon Mandle
State University of New York at Albany

Adrienne M. Martin
University of Pennsylvania

Alan Meisel
University of Pittsburgh

Amy Mullin
University of Toronto

James Lindemann Nelson
Michigan State University

Nancy Press
Oregon Health and Science University

John Robertson
University of Texas at Austin

Lainie Ross
University of Chicago

Benjamin Sachs
New York University

Mark Sagoff
University of Maryland

Toby Schonfeld
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Michael Selgelid
Australia National University

Mary Shanley
Vassar College

Alan Shewmon
UCLA Health System

Rebecca Shore
American Medical Association

Martin L. Smith
Cleveland Clinic

Rebecca Stangl
University of Virginia

Bonnie Steinbock
State University of New York at Albany

Anna Stubblefield
Rutgers University

Robert Truog
Harvard Medical School

Mark Wicclair
West Virginia University

William Winslade
University of Texas Medical Branch [End Page 43]


