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In this Issue

Table of Contents

  1. Aucassin, Gauvain, and (Re)Ordering Paris, BnF, fr. 2168
  2. James R. Simpson
  3. pp. 451-466
  4. restricted access
  1. Les Réflexions du marquis d'Argenson sur la liberté des historiens
  2. Peter Balázs
  3. pp. 467-481
  4. restricted access
  1. Names Proper and Improper in Richard Millet's Siom Novels
  2. Alan Jackson
  3. pp. 482-492
  4. restricted access
  1. Legacies of the Second World War: Representations of the Theft of Jewish Property in Recent French Crime Fiction
  2. Margaret-Anne Hutton
  3. pp. 493-509
  4. restricted access
  1. From Homofraternity to Hospitality: Deconstructing the Political with Derrida and the Dardennes
  2. Laura McMahon
  3. pp. 510-524
  4. restricted access
  1. Chansons de geste and Chansons d'aventures: Recent Perspectives on the Evolution of a Genre
  2. Philip E. Bennett
  3. pp. 525-532
  4. restricted access
  1. Anti-doxa, paradoxes et contre-textes: études occitanes (review)
  2. Ruth Harvey
  3. p. 533
  4. restricted access
  1. Le Bâtard conquérant: essor et expansion du genre romanesque au Moyen Âge (review)
  2. Luke Sunderland
  3. p. 534
  4. restricted access
  1. Kiss my Relics: Hermaphroditic Fictions of the Middle Ages (review)
  2. Karen Pratt
  3. pp. 534-535
  4. restricted access
  1. Partonopeus de Blois: Romance in the Making (review)
  2. Tracy Adams
  3. pp. 535-536
  4. restricted access
  1. Songs, Scribes, and Society: The History and Reception of the Loire Valley Chansonniers (review)
  2. Fabrice Fitch
  3. pp. 536-537
  4. restricted access
  1. Translations médiévales: cinq siècles de traduction en français au Moyen Âge (XIe-XVe siècles.Étude et répertoire (review)
  2. Simon Gaunt
  3. pp. 537-539
  4. restricted access
  1. Rabelais (review)
  2. John Parkin
  3. pp. 540-541
  4. restricted access
  1. L'École des muses: les arts poétiques français à la Renaissance (1548-1610). Sébillet, Du Bellay, Peletier et les autres (review)
  2. Ullrich Langer
  3. pp. 541-542
  4. restricted access
  1. L'Invention lyrique: visages d'auteur, figures du poète et voix lyrique chez Ronsard (review)
  2. Harry E. Stevenson
  3. p. 542
  4. restricted access
  1. Aspects du lyrisme conjugal à la Renaissance (review)
  2. John Parkin
  3. pp. 543-544
  4. restricted access
  1. Birthing Bodies in Early Modern France: Stories of Gender and Reproduction (review)
  2. John D. Lyons
  3. pp. 544-545
  4. restricted access
  1. Nouveaux départs: Studies in Honour of Michel Jeanneret (review)
  2. Hugh Roberts
  3. pp. 545-546
  4. restricted access
  1. Aux limites de l'imitation: l'ut pictura poesis à l'épreuve de la matière (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) (review)
  2. Séverine Genieys-Kirk
  3. pp. 546-547
  4. restricted access
  1. Seul en scène: le monologue dans le théâtre européen de la première modernité (1580-1640) (review)
  2. Nicholas Hammond
  3. p. 547
  4. restricted access
  1. Les Traités monarchomaques. Confusion des temps, résistance armée et monarchie parfaite (1560-1600) (review)
  2. Sophie E. B. Nicholls
  3. p. 548
  4. restricted access
  1. Cinna. Tragédie, 1643 (review)
  2. Jean-Marc Civardi
  3. pp. 548-549
  4. restricted access
  1. La Rochefoucauld et la culture mondaine: portraits du cœur de l'homme (review)
  2. John Campbell
  3. pp. 549-550
  4. restricted access
  1. Correspondance de Pierre Bayle (review)
  2. Isabelle Moreau
  3. pp. 550-552
  4. restricted access
  1. French Origins of English Tragedy (review)
  2. Nicholas Hammond
  3. pp. 552-553
  4. restricted access
  1. The Matter of Mind: Reason and Experience in the Age of Descartes (review)
  2. Edward Ousselin
  3. pp. 553-554
  4. restricted access
  1. Gossip, Sexuality and Scandal in France (1610-1715) (review)
  2. Peter Shoemaker
  3. pp. 554-555
  4. restricted access
  1. Le Goût de l'inachèvement: esthétique et narration dans l'oeuvre de Marivaux (review)
  2. Sarah Benharrech
  3. pp. 555-556
  4. restricted access
  1. Un auteur en quête d'éditeurs? Histoire éditoriale de l'œuvre de Montesquieu (1748-1964) (review)
  2. Sylvie Romanowski
  3. pp. 556-557
  4. restricted access
  1. Alienation and Theatricality: Diderot after Brecht (review)
  2. Joseph Harris
  3. p. 557
  4. restricted access
  1. Diderot and Rousseau: Networks of Enlightenment (review)
  2. Julie Candler Hayes
  3. p. 558
  4. restricted access
  1. Vauvenargues ou le séditieux. Entre Pascal et Spinoza: une philosophie pour la seconde nature (review)
  2. Éric Mechoulan
  3. pp. 558-559
  4. restricted access
  1. Joseph de Maistre and the Legacy of Enlightenment (review)
  2. Francesco Manzini
  3. pp. 560-561
  4. restricted access
  1. The French Idea of History: Joseph de Maistre and his Heirs, 1794-1854 (review)
  2. Graeme Garrard
  3. pp. 561-562
  4. restricted access
  1. La Raison exaltée: études sur 'De la littérature' de Madame de Staël (review)
  2. Paul Rowe
  3. p. 562
  4. restricted access
  1. Le Corps érotique au XVIIIe siècle: amour, péché, maladie (review)
  2. Jessica Goodman
  3. p. 563
  4. restricted access
  1. The Enlightenment of Age: Women, Letters and Growing Old in Eighteenth-Century France (review)
  2. John Phillips
  3. pp. 563-564
  4. restricted access
  1. Entre belles-lettres et disciplines: les savoirs au XVIIIe siècle (review)
  2. Jeremy L. Caradonna
  3. pp. 564-565
  4. restricted access
  1. Overture to Revolution: The 1787 Assembly of Notables and the Crisis of France's Old Regime (review)
  2. James Livesey
  3. pp. 565-566
  4. restricted access
  1. The Progressive Poetics of Confusion in the French Enlightenment (review)
  2. Rori Bloom
  3. p. 566
  4. restricted access
  1. Sex Education in Eighteenth-Century France (review)
  2. Marine Riva-Ganofsky
  3. p. 567
  4. restricted access
  1. Trading Places: Colonization and Slavery in Eighteenth-Century French Culture (review)
  2. John D. Garrigus
  3. pp. 567-568
  4. restricted access
  1. Marier les destins: une ethnocritique des 'Misérables' (review)
  2. Bradley Stephens
  3. pp. 568-569
  4. restricted access
  1. Fin de Baudelaire: autopsie d'une œuvre sans nom (review)
  2. Damian Catani
  3. pp. 569-570
  4. restricted access
  1. Seeing Double: Baudelaire's Modernity (review)
  2. Steven Wilson
  3. pp. 570-571
  4. restricted access
  1. The Collector in Nineteenth-Century French Literature: Representation, Identity, Knowledge (review)
  2. Edmund Birch
  3. pp. 571-572
  4. restricted access
  1. English Responses to French Poetry 1880-1940: Translation and Mediation (review)
  2. Michael G. Kelly
  3. p. 572
  4. restricted access
  1. Institutions and Power in Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Culture (review)
  2. Michael Tilby
  3. p. 573
  4. restricted access
  1. Paul Valéry: l'écriture en devenir (review)
  2. Paul Ryan
  3. pp. 573-574
  4. restricted access
  1. Unlikely Collaboration: Gertrude Stein, Bernard Faÿ, and the Vichy Dilemma (review)
  2. Angela Kershaw
  3. pp. 574-575
  4. restricted access
  1. Jean-Paul Sartre: Mind and Body, Word and Deed (review)
  2. Andrew Leak
  3. pp. 575-576
  4. restricted access
  1. Albert Camus contre la peine de mort (review)
  2. Peter Dunwoodie
  3. pp. 576-577
  4. restricted access
  1. Les Revenantes. Charlotte Delbo: la voix d'une communauté à jamais déportée (review)
  2. Annelies Schulte Nordholt
  3. p. 577
  4. restricted access
  1. Robert Pinget: matériau, marges, écriture (review)
  2. Edmund J. Smyth
  3. pp. 577-578
  4. restricted access
  1. San-Antonio et la culture française: actes du colloque international des 18, 19 et 20 mars 2010 en Sorbonne (review)
  2. Margaret Atack
  3. pp. 578-579
  4. restricted access
  1. Alain Robbe-Grillet (review)
  2. Edmund J. Smyth
  3. pp. 579-580
  4. restricted access
  1. Deleuze and World Cinemas (review)
  2. Fiona Handyside
  3. p. 580
  4. restricted access
  1. Jacques Derrida and the Institution of French Philosophy (review)
  2. Sarah Wood
  3. p. 581
  4. restricted access
  1. Derrida and Hospitality: Theory and Practice (review)
  2. Joanna Hodge
  3. pp. 581-582
  4. restricted access
  1. Maryse Condé: mythe, parabole et complexité (review)
  2. Edward Ousselin
  3. pp. 582-583
  4. restricted access
  1. Jacques Rancière: Key Concepts (review)
  2. Nick Hewlett
  3. pp. 583-584
  4. restricted access
  1. Koltès, une poétique des contraires (review)
  2. Jennifer Birkett
  3. pp. 584-585
  4. restricted access
  1. Chantal Akerman (review)
  2. Emma Wilson
  3. pp. 585-586
  4. restricted access
  1. Michel Houellebecq à la Une (review)
  2. Russell Williams
  3. p. 586
  4. restricted access
  1. Le Cinéma à l'épreuve de la communauté: le cinéma francophone de l'Office national du film, 1960-1985 (review)
  2. Craig Moyes
  3. p. 587
  4. restricted access
  1. The Colonial Heritage of French Comics (review)
  2. Christina Carroll
  3. pp. 587-588
  4. restricted access
  1. La Décadence: le mot et la chose (review)
  2. Marie-Françoise Melmoux-Montaubin
  3. pp. 588-589
  4. restricted access
  1. L'Écriture du bonheur dans le roman contemporain (review)
  2. Russell Williams
  3. pp. 589-590
  4. restricted access
  1. Francophone Women Writers: Feminism, Postcolonialismsm Cross-Cultures (review)
  2. Helen Vassallo
  3. pp. 591-592
  4. restricted access
  1. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the Francophone World (review)
  2. Joseph McGonagle
  3. p. 592
  4. restricted access
  1. Mignon's Afterlives: Crossing Cultures from Goethe to the Twenty-First Century (review)
  2. David Baguley
  3. pp. 592-593
  4. restricted access
  1. Women Artists in Interwar France: Framing Femininities (review)
  2. Francesca Berry
  3. pp. 593-594
  4. restricted access
  1. Syntactic Borrowing in Contemporary French: A Linguistic Analysis of News Translation (review)
  2. Michèle Vincent
  3. pp. 594-595
  4. restricted access
  1. Forthcoming numbers of French Studies will contain the following articles:
  2. p. 602
  3. restricted access
  1. Books Received
  2. pp. 596-601
  3. restricted access