In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

«** FILM & HISTORY NEWS ««» CALL FOR PAPERS A call has been issued for papers for volume two of Current Research in Film: Audiences. Economics and Law, an annual series edited by Bruce A. Austin and published by the Ablex Publishing Corporation. Authors of papers which focus on the film audience (eg. motives for and psychological correlates of attendance) , motion picture economics (eg. distribution practices, financing), and legal issues realted to the film medium (eg. anti-trust, self regulation and policymaking) are invited to submit manuscripts for possible inclusion in volume two. For additional information write: Bruce A. Austin College of Liberal Arts Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York 14623 NEW ORGANIZATION College screenwriting teachers and screenwriters are invited to join the Screenwriting Coalition for Industry Professionals and Teachers (SCRIPT), a newly formed constituency group of the University Film and Video Association. The group aims to develop the teaching and practice of screenwriting through more concerted interaction among themselves and with the industry. For more information write: Professor William Hiller School of Telecommunication Ohio University Athens, Ohio 45701 91 ...

