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CONTRIBUTORS G. GABRIELLE STARR is assistant professor of English at New York University and the author of Lyric Generations: Novel and Poetry in the Long Eighteenth Century (2004). CAROUNEJACOT GRAPA est maître de conférences à l'Université de CergyPontoise , France. RICHARD L. FRAUTSCHI is emeritus professor of French, Pennsylvania State University. ANGUS MARTIN is emeritus professor ofFrench Studies, University ofSydney. While pursuing their bibligraphical researches, both continue to publish widely on pre- and post-Enlightenment French prose fiction. OLGAPENKE enseigne la littérature française et dirige la formation doctorale en littérature française dans le Département de français à l'Université de Szeged (Hongrie).Auteurd'une cinquantaine d'études, d'une monographie surl'histoire philosophique des Lumières françaises et hongroises, Füozqfikus világtorténetek es tórténetfilozáfiák (Budapest, 2000), elle a également publié trois éditions critiques des auteurs des Lumières hongroises. CAROLYNWOODWARD is associate professorofEnglish at the UniversityofNew Mexico. Her edition ofSarah Fielding andJane Collier's The Crywas printed in 1997; her latest project is a book on eighteenth-century cultural deviance and experimental fiction. ALEXANDRE WENGER est un membre de l'Insitut d'histoire de la médecine et de la santé (Faculté de médecine) , Université de Genève, et un professeur dans le département de langue et literature françaises (Faculté des lettres). ROBERTJ. GRIFFIN is senior lecturer at Tel Aviv University and the associate editorofPoetics Today. He is die author of Wordsworth'sPope:A Study inLiterary Hutoriography (1995) and editor of The Faces ofAnonymity: Anonymous and Pseudonymous Publicationfrom the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century (2003) . He is currently working on a study of die cultural history and poetics of anonymity, 1695-1830. MICHÈLE BOKOBZAKAHAN is senior lecturer ofFrench at Tel Aviv University. She is the author ofLibertinage etfolie dans le roman du XVIIf siècle (2000) , and she is currenüyworking on a study ofmarginal literature in France, 1730-70. DOMINIQUE HÖLZLE prépare un doctorat à l'université de Grenoble III sur le discours sensible dans le roman libertin par lettres au XVIIIe siècle. Elle a publié sur Crébillon, Dorât et Cazotte. CATHERINELABIO is assistantprofessorofComparative Literature and French atYale University. She is die audior of Origins and theEnlightenment: Toward an AestheticEpùtemology (forthcoming), dealing witfi the eighteenth-century fascination with origins and originality. FRANS DE BRUYN is professor of English at the University of Ottawa. CHRISTINE M. COOPER is assistant professor of English at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is currendy completing a book manuscript entitled ImpossibleBirths: Genealogy and theLanguage ofDemocractic Revolution. APRILLONDON is professor ofEnglish at die University ofOttawa. Her recent publications include Women andProperty in theEighteenth-CenturyEnglish Novel (1999) and articles in SEL: Studies in Englüh Literature, 1500-1900 and Yearbook ofEnglish Studies. ROBERT MAYER is professor of English and director of die Film Program at Oklahoma State University. He is die audior of History and theEarly English Novel: Matters ofFactfrom Bacon to Defoe (2004), editor of Eighteenth-Century Fiction onScreen (2002), and co-editor ofHistoricalBoundaries, NarrativeForms: Essays in Honor ofEverett Zimmerman, fordicoming. He is also working on an essay on Lucy Hutchinson's career and a study of Sir Walter Scott in die literary marketplace. ...

