In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index to Volume IV Abduction of the "Planter," 5 Actors and acting, 285 ff. Amnesty proclamation, 55 ff. Archaeological and Historic Sites Board, Ontario, Canada, 443 Arizona Territory, 27 ff.; Strategic importance of, 29-30; Confederate occupation , 30-31, 35 Army of the Potomac, 122 Arsenals and supply depots, 114, 117 Artillery, Confederate, 3ßß Athntic Monthly, 259 Atlas, Official records, 447 Atrocities, 37, 42, 44, 47-49 Bahamas, 131 Bailey, Hugh C, 183 Band, North Carolina 28th Regiment, 225 ff. Bahnett, James, 429 "Battue Cry of Freedom," 274-75, 277, 307 ff. "Battle Hymn of the Republic," 252, 258, 330 Baylor, John R., 27 ff. Beaufort, 5 Beauregard, P. G. T., 177, 356 ff., 370 Bernard, Kenneth A., 269 Billings, William, 329 Blockade, 7 ff., 130 ff., 387 ff. Boecer, Palmer H., 73 "Bonnie Blue Flag, The," 286 ff. Book Reviews, 201, 343, 452 Boston Light Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Second Battalion, 252 Bottom's Budge, Richmond, Virginia, 100 Bradbury, William, 329 Bragg, Braxton, 365 ff. Brown, John, 251 ff., 443 Brown, John, Sergeant of Boston, 252-54 Bryant's Minstrels, New York, 213 ff. Buell, Don Carlos, 355 Bull Run, 36 Bull Run, Second Battle of, 121, 152 Butler, Benjamin F., 100 California Volunteers, 23-35 Cape Fear River, 391 Carpenter, Hoyle, 291 Castel, Albert, 37 Catton, Bruce, 443 Caustin Bluff, Georgia, 13-17 Cavalry, Confederate, 33, 34, 37, 39 Cavalry, Union, 359 Charleston, 5, 8 Chase, Gilbert, 261 Chamber Opera with a Civil War Plot, 237 Chamberlain, Robert, 105 Chancellorsville, 122 Chicago Soldiers' Home, 53 ff. Chickamauga, 163 Church music, 329-31 Civil War Centennial Commission, 197, 445, 449 Civil War Round Table, 199, 445 Civil War Music. See Special Issue, September, 1958 Civil War music, recordings of, 319 ff. Clausewitz, Carl von, 371 Coal Creek, Tennessee, 39, 41 Columbus, Kentucky, 356 Commissary Department, Union Army, 73 Compulsory military service; see Conscription Concerts, 213, 219, 272, 293, 285 ff., 3025 ,332-33 Confederate Museum, Richmond, Virginia , 428 471 472 CIVIL WAR HISTORY Continuing War, 338, 447 Conscription, 12, 109, 156, 161, 186, 191, 429 ff. Contraband, 389 Contrafacta, 331 Conway, Alan, 143 Copperheads, 161, 191 Corinth, 153, 358 ff. Curtis, Samuel, R., 363 Custer, George Armstrong, 383 Daly, Andrew, 415 Davis Guards, 403-5, 411 Davis, Jefferson, 331, 397, 421, 442-43 Dekle, Peter, 11 ff. Diplomatic relations, United States with Great Britain, 129 ff. Disaffection in the Alabama Hill Country, 1861, 183 ff. "Dixie," 219, 223, 285, 303, 331 DowLTNC, Dick, 399 ff. Draft; see Conscription Dunham, Charles A., 438-40 Du Pont, Samuel Francis, 8, 389 Du Pont's fleet, 5 Education, Negro, 261 Elkhorn Tavern, Battle of, 363 Emancipation Proclamation, 52, 312 Emmett, Daniel Decatur, 213, 331 Emmett's Walk-arounds, 213 Epstein, Dena J., 307 Ethnic groups, Texas, 301-3, 306 Fairs; see Sanitary Fairs Farragut, Davd) G., 176-77 Fire departments, 401 ff. Food supply, 73 ff., 231-33 Foote, Andrew H., 180 Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 37, 39, 40-42, 359 Fort Bliss, 27 Fort Davis, 421 Fort Donelson, 300, 355 Fort Fisher, 169 ff. Fort Griffin, 411, 416-18 Fort Pillow Massacre, 37 ff. Fort Ripley, 6 Fort Sumter, 176 Forten, Charlotte, 261 ff. Fortifications, Union, 38 Fosteh, J. G., 440-41 Francis Parkman Prize, 444 Fredericksburg, 125 From Atlanta to the Sea, 23 ff. Gaines' Mill, 120 Galveston, 168, 404 ff. Galveston, Houston and Henderson Railroad , 404 Georgia, Military District of, 11 Gettysburg, 127, 128, 161, 162, 282 Grant, Parks, 237 ff. Grant, Ulysses, 59, 166 Great Britain, diplomatic relations with, 130 ff. Gunboats, Union, 414, 416-19 Guntown, Mississippi, 164 Hall, Martin Hardwick, 27 Haixeck, Henry W., 177, 362 Harpers Ferry, 443 Harwell, Richard B., 285 Hastincs, Thomas, 329 Health and Medicine, 19, 36, 75, 80, 92, 167, 193 HicGiNBOTKAM, Don, 129 Historiography, 50 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 330 Hooker, Joe, 119 Houston, Texas, 400 ff., 427 Houston, Samuel, 403 ff. Howe, Julia Ward, 258 ff. Howe, Samuel Grdiley, 258 Humor, 91, 219 Hunter, Sherod, 29 ff. Index to Volume W 473 Immigration, 143, 301-2, 306, 325-26, 328,334 Indiana Regiment, 17th, 432 Infantry, Iowa, 22nd, 24th, 28th, 442 Infantry, New York, 69th Volunteer, 444 Ironclads, 179 ff. Jackson...

