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A Loyal Pigeon The following is a true and singularly remarkable story of a pigeon captured by Mr. Tinker, a teamster of the Forty-Second New-York volunteers , while the regiment was encamped at Kalorama Heights, Va. Mr. Tinker made a pet of him, and kept him in camp until they started for Poolesville. Strange to say, the pigeon followed on with the train, occasionally flying away at a great distacne, but always returning, and when weary, would alight on some wagon of the train. At night he was sure to come home, and, watching his opportunity, would select a position, and quietly go to roost in Tinker's wagon. Many of the men in the regiment took a fancy to him, and he soon became a general favorite. From Poolesville he followed to Washington, and down to the dock, where Tinker took him on board the steamer; so he went to Fortress Monroe, thence to Yorktown, where he was accustomed to make flights over and beyond the enemy's works, but was always sure to return at evening, to roost and receive his food in Tinker's wagon. From thence he went all through the Peninsular campaign, afterwards to Antietam, and Harper's Ferry, witnessing all the battles fought by his regiment. By this time he had gained so much favor, that a friend offered twentyfive dollars to purchase him, but Tinker would not sell him at any price, and soon after sent him home as a present to some friend. It might be interesting to trace the future movements of this remarkable specimen of the feathered tribe, but none will doubt his instinctive loyalty, and attachment to the old Tammany regiment. Any of the brave Forty-Second boys who read this history of their favorite, will attest the truth of these statements, and will be pleased to see him honored by this history of his wanderings. Such devotion to the Stars and Stripes is, we believe, a fair illustration of the character of the Tammany regiment in the field, and worthy of imitation by those who have more than instinct to guide them. 96 ...

