In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

What to do with the Baby? The Historical Development of the Rite of Churching. Matthew J. Streett. St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 56 (1, 2012), 51–71.
Catalogues de manuscrits latins. Inventaire hagiographique (Vingt-neuvième série). François Dolbeau. Analecta Bollandiana, 130 (June, 2012), 182–212.
Forschungen zur lateinischen Paläographie. Randglossen zu einem neuen Handbuch. Pius Engelbert. Revue Bénédictine, 122 (June, 2012), 5–47.
Les Fêtes des saints papes dans la réforme liturgique du Concile Vatican II. Philippe Beitia. Ephemerides Liturgicae, CXXVI (Apr.–June, 2012), 146–94.
Alguns comentários sobre as origens do retábulo enquanto invenção paralitúrgica. Marcos Hill. Colectânea, X (July–Dec., 2011), 193–232.
Abadologio del monasterio de san Pedro de Montes (siglos VII–XIX). Ernesto Zaragoza Pascual. Compostellanum, LVII (Jan.–June, 2012), 277–312.
Die Franziskaner in der Neuen Welt. Ihr Anteil an der Evangelisierung Nord-, Mittel- und Südamerikas in der Frühen Neuseit. Johannes Meier. Wissenschaft und Weisheit, 74 (2, 2011), 268–81.
Proceso de configuración social e institucional de Toledo. José-M.a García Oro and José Portela Silva (†). Archivo Ibero-Americano, LXXI (Jan.–Dec., 2011), 131–463.
The Spread of Antislavery Sentiment through Proslavery Tracts in the Transatlantic Evangelical Community, 1740s–1770s. Young Hwi Yoon. Church History, 81 (June, 2012), 348–77.
John Henry Newman and Martin Luther: Balancing Heart and Mind in Higher Education. Charles A. McDaniel and Vance E. Woods. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 23 (1/2, 2011), 19–40.
I vescovi redentoristi. Adam Owczarski, C.SS.R. Spicilegium Historicum C.SS.R, LX (1–2, 2012), 279–347.


Missione, conversione e diffusione del cristianesimo prima di Costantino. Angelo Di Berardino. Augustinianum, LII (June, 2012), 9–64. [End Page 852]
Christianesimo/Cristianesimi nell’antichità, ovvero dell’attenzione alle tracce leggere. Emanuela Prinzivalli. Augustinianum, LII (June, 2012), 65–83.
Christianesimo/Cristianesimi nell’antichità, una prospettiva unitaria. Carlo dell’Osso. Augustinianum, LII (June, 2012), 85–103.
The Discourse of Voluntary Martyrdom: Ancient and Modern. Candida R. Moss. Church History, 81 (Sept., 2012), 531–51.
Nach hundert Jahren: Zur Diskussion um die Synode von Antiochien 325. Eine Antwort auf Holger Strutwolf. Hanns Christof Brennecke and Uta Heil. Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, 123 (1, 2012), 95–113.
Child Sacrifice in Egyptian Monastic Culture: From Familial Renunciation to Jephthah’s Lost Daughter. Caroline T. Schroeder. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 20 (Summer, 2012), 269–302.
Die antike Sklaverei aus frühchristlicher Perspektive. Eine Diskursanalyse. Heike Grieser. Theologische Quartalschrift, 192 (1, 2012), 2–20.
From Literal to Spiritual Soldiers of Christ: Disputed Episcopal Elections and the Advent of Christian Processions in Late Antique Rome. Jacob A. Latham. Church History, 81 (June, 2012), 298–327.
Salvage: Macrina and the Christian Project of Cultural Reclamation. Ellen Muehlberger. Church History, 81 (June, 2012), 273–97.
Upstanding Donatists: Symbolic communication at the Conference of Carthage (411). Thomas Graumann. Journal of Ancient Christianity, 15 (Sept., 2011), 329–55.
Les derniers voyages de Pierre l’Ibère d’après Jean Rufus: chronologie et interprétation. Bénédicte Lesieur. Analecta Bollandiana, 130 (June, 2012), 5–39.
Religious Toleration in the Apophthegmata Patrum. Nicholas Marinides. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 20 (Summer, 2012), 179–211.
The Chorepiscopoi and Contriversies over Orthopraxy in Sixth-Century Mesopotamia. Philip Wood. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 63 (July, 2012), 446–57.
Hagia Sophia and Multisensory Aesthetics. Bissera V. Pentcheva. Gesta, 50 (2, 2011), 93–111.
Charibert I and the Episcopal Leadership of the Kingdom of Paris (561–567). Gregory I. Halfond. Viator, 43 (2, 2012), 1–28.
Excavations in Firan-Sinai (November 2009). Peter Grossman. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 104 (2, 2012), 641–50.


Empreintes et vestiges dans les récits de pèlerinage: quand la pierre devient cire. J. M. Fritz. Le Moyen Age, CXVIII (1, 2012), 9–40. [End Page 853]
The Problem of Originality in Early Medieval Canon Law: Legislating by Means of Contradictions in the Collectio Hibernensis. Roy Flechner. Viator, 43 (2, 2012), 29–47.
Way-Stations on English Episcopal Itineraries, 700–1300. Julia Barrow. English Historical Review, CXXVII (June, 2012), 549–65.
Can silence speak volumes? Widukind’s Res Gestae Saxonicae and the coronation...

