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The Catholic Historical Review 93.4 (2007) 1033-1045

Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

Universal History from Counter-Reformation to Enlightenment. Tamara Griggs. Modern Intellectual History, 4 (Aug., 2007), 219-247.
Der Musealisierung zum Opfer gefallen?Historisch-theologische Reflexionen zur Kirchengeschichte in Ausstellungen und Museen. Jörg Seiler. Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, 118 (1, 2007), 81-105.
La dinamica tra evento e decisioni nella storiografia conciliare. Giovanni Maria Vian. Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum, 37 (2, 2005), 357-374.
Paolo VI e il Concilio Vaticano II nella riflessione di Giuseppe Colombo. Marco Vergottini. Istituto Paolo VI, Notiziario n. 53 (June, 2007), 99-126.
I concili provinciali della Chiesa Cattolica di rito latino dal 1648 al 1914:uno sguardo d'insieme. Carlo Pioppi. Annales Theologici, 20 (2, 2006), 393-405.
La Reforma del Calendario Litúrgico proyectada por la Comisión Piana. José Antonio Goñi Beásoain de Paulorena. Scriptorium Victoriense, LIII(July-Dec., 2006), 129-228.
Martirologio vasco. Jesús María Alday. Scriptorium Victoriense, LIII(July-Dec., 2006), 273-411.
The Jesuits: In the Making of a World Religion. Simon Ditchfield. History Today, 57 (July, 2007), 52-59.


The Greek and Jewish Origins of Docetism:A New Proposal. Ronnie Goldstein and Guy G. Stroumsa. Journal of Ancient Christianity, 10 (3, 2006), 423-441.
L'interdiction de l'avortement dans les premiers siècles de l'Église. Bernard Pouderon. Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses, 87 (Jan.-Mars., 2007), 55-73.
Bardaisan of Edessa:Philosopher or Theologian?Ute Possekel.Journal of Ancient Christianity, 10 (3, 2006), 442-461.
Religio and superstitio. Retortions and Phases of a Binary Opposition in Late Antiquity. Maijastina Kahlos. Athenaeum, 95 (1, 2007), 389-408.
La labor pastoral del obispo frente a las prácticas y creencias paganas. María Cristina Lucero. Revista de Historia Universal, No. 15 (2006), 175-194. [End Page 1033]
Costantino santo. Giorgio Bonamente. Cristianesimo nella Storia, XXVII(Sept., 2006), 735-768.
The Search for Orthodoxy A.D. 325-553. Ramsey MacMullen. Viator, 38 (1, 2007), 1-17.
Religious Identity and the Politics of Patronage:Symmachus and Augustine. Jennifer V. Ebbeler and Cristina Sogno. Historia, 56 (2, 2007), 230-242.
Heresiology as Universal History in Epiphanius's Panarion. Jeremy Schott. Journal of Ancient Christianity, 10 (3, 2006), 546-563.
Basile de Césarée, éducateur de la foi et promoteur de la charité, d'après sa Correspondance. Jean-Robert Pouchet. Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, 102 (Jan.-Mar., 2007), 5-45.
The Lives and Literary Roles of Children in Advancing Conversion to Christianity:Hagiography from the Caucasus in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Cornelia B. Horn. Church History, 76 (June, 2007), 262-297.
Gli ambienti meridionali nell'atrio della Chiesa dei Propilei a Geresa. Note archeologiche ed epigrafiche. Lucio Del Corso and Mariella Mastrogia-como. Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 73 (1, 2007), 185-205.
Nachträgliches zu Dokumenten für die Kirche der Byzakene unter Kaiser Iustinos II. Otto Kresten. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 99 (2, 2006), 495-514.


Note sulla tipologia degli insediamenti micaelici nell'Europa medievale. Giorgio Otranto. Vetera Christianorum, 43 (2, 2006), 175-200.
Relics and the Great Church. John Wortley. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 99 (2, 2006), 631-647.
Vie et Miracles de sainte Aure, abbesse, jadis vénérée à Paris. François Dolbeau. Analecta Bollandiana, 125 (June, 2007), 17-91.
St. Columba and the convention at Druimm Cete: peace and politics at seventh-century Iona. James E. Fraser. Early Medieval Europe, 15 (3, 2007), 315-334.
Monks, Kings, and the Transformation of Sanctity:Jonas of Bobbio and the End of the Holy Man. Albrecht Diem. Speculum, 82 (July, 2007), 521-559.
The Authenticity of Maximus the Confessor's Letter to Marinus:The Argument from Theological Consistency. A. Edward Siecienski. Vigiliae Christianae, LXI(2, 2007), 189-227.
Strangers on the Clyde:Cenél Comgaill, Clyde Rock and the bishops of Kingath. James E. Fraser. Innes Review, 56 (Autumn, 2005), 102-120.
«Flirtant» avec la liturgie. Rois et liturgie en Gaule franque. Yitzhak Hen. Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 50 (Jan.-Mar., 2007), 33-41. [End Page 1034]
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