In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 67, 2010-11 / Index du volume 67, 2010-11


ABDI, KLARA 'She Really Only Speaks English': Positioning, Language Ideology, and Heritage Language Learners 161
BEAULIEU, SUZIE Norme pédagogique et infirmières bilingues en milieu francophone minoritaire 509
DOE, CHRISTINE, and JANNA FOX Exploring the Testing Process: Three Test Takers' Observed and Reported Strategy Use over Time and Testing Contexts 29
EL EUCH, SONIA De la typologie de la bilingualité à une typologie du plurilinguisme ou de la multilingualité : un homage à Josiane Hamers 55
KIM, TAE-YOUNG Sociocultural Dynamics of L2 Learning (De)Motivation: An Activity Theory Analysis of Two Adult Korean Immigrants 91
MOYER, ALENE An Investigation of Experience in L2 Phonology: Does Quality Matter More than Quantity? 191
NORTON, BONNY, SHELLEY JONES, and DANIEL AHIMBISIBWE Learning about HIV/AIDS in Uganda: Digital Resources and Language Learner Identities 569
NOYAU, COLETTE Les divergences curriculum - évaluation certificative dans les écoles primaires bilingues de pays du sud : conséquences du point de vue de l'acquisition du bilinguisme 301
RIVARD, LÉONARD P., and ANNABEL LEVESQUE Three Francophone Teachers' Use of Language-Based Activities in Science Classrooms 323
ROY, SYLVIE, and ALBERT GALIEV Discourses on Bilingualism in Canadian French Immersion Programs 351 [End Page 590]
SEGALOWITZ, NORMAN, and EVA KEHAYIA Exploring the Determinants of Language Barriers in Health Care (LBHC): Toward A Research Agenda for the Language Sciences 481
TIRVASSEN, RADA Curriculum et besoins langagiers en zone d'éducation linguistique plurielle 287
VAKILIFARD, AMIRREZA, et FRANÇOISEARMAND Les effets de la carte conceptuelle hiérarchique sur la compréhension littérale et inférentielle de textes informatifs en langue seconde 217
VICKERS, CAROLINE, and RYAN GOBLE Well, Now, Okey Dokey: English Discourse Markers in Spanish-Language Medical Consultations 537
WALKER, NICHOLAS R., HENRIETTA CEDERGREN, PAVEL TROFIMOVICH, and ELIZABETH GATBONTON Automatic Speech Recognition for CALL: A Task-Specific Application for Training Nurses 459
WRAY, ALISON Formulaic Language as a Barrier to Effective Communication with People with Alzheimer's Disease 429
YIM, YOON-KYUNG KECIA Second Language Students' Discourse Socialization in Academic Online Communities 1

Focus on the Classroom / Pleins feux sur la classe

LEE, ICY Working Smarter, Not Working Harder: Revisiting Teacher Feedback in the L2 Writing Classroom 377
NICHOLAS, BONNIE JEAN, MARIAN J. ROSSITER, and MARILYN L. ABBOTT The Power of Story in the ESL Classroom 247
ROESSINGH, HETTY Family Treasures: A Dual-Language Book Project for Negotiating Language, Literacy, Culture, and Identity 123

Book and Software Reviews / Critiques de livres et de logiciels

CENOZ, J. Towards Multilingual Education: Basque Educational Research from an International Perspective reviewed by Steve Marshall 149 [End Page 591]
ELLIS, R., S. LOEWEN, C. ELDER, R. ERLAM, H. PHILIP, and H. REINDERS. Implicit and Explicit Knowledge in Second Language Learning, Testing, and Teaching reviewed by Philippa Bell 152
FARRELL, T.S.C., and G.M. JACOBS. Essentials for Successful English Language Teaching reviewed by Callie Mady 273
FORTUNE, T.W., and M.R. MENKE. Struggling Learners and Language Immersion Education: Research-Based, Practitioner-Informed Responses to Educators' Top Questions reviewed by Kelly Burt 405
HUANG, L.-S. Academic Communication Skills: Conversation Strategies for International Graduate Students reviewed by Sara Kennedy 401
KRAMSCH, C. The Multilingual Subject: What Foreign Language Learners Say about Their Experience and Why it Matters reviewed by Roumiana Ilieva 276
SCOTT, V.M. Double Talk: Deconstructing Monolingualism in Classroom Second Language Learning reviewed by Jennifer Leeman 403
SEGALOWITZ, N. Cognitive Basics of Second Language Fluency reviewed by Peter Skehan 269
TURNBULL, M., and J. DAILEY-O'CAIN (eds.). First Language Use in Second and Foreign Language Learning reviewed by Joanna White 408
YOUNG, R.F. Discursive Practice in Language Learning and Teaching reviewed by Kimberly Meredith 271 [End Page 592]

