In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Hot Springs
  • Tony Hoagland (bio)

The old woman from Cuba laughed when she remembered how one day in school she was asked which she would like to study: Russian, or English?

And like a fool, she says, I chose Russian. Not sensing the future where forty years later she would be handing out towels

at this hot springs and spa in New Mexico, where rich men from L.A. and Denver come to soak their capitalist bones.

It is morning, and Monday, and empty before the next tide of tycoons arrives— and we chat in bad Spanish. This is

the unnamable, quasi-erotic moment in which I get to look fully into her nice plump face and brown, post-Communist eyes

while the windows steam up all around us and the pools quietly fume and bubble, like memory,

with the leftover heat of volcanoes. [End Page 101]

Tony Hoagland

Tony Hoagland teaches in graduate courses in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston. His books of poems and essays include Donkey Gospel (St. Paul: Graywolf Press, 1998), winner of the James Laughlin Award of The Academy of American Poets; What Narcissism Means to Me (St. Paul: Graywolf Press, 2003), poems; Hard Rain (Venice: Hollyridge Press, 2005), winner of the Brittingham Prize in Poetry; and Real Sofistikashun: Essays on Poetry and Craft (St. Paul: Graywolf Press, 2006).


