In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Subject and Use Index

Keyed to The Bulletin's alphabetical arrangement by author, this index, which appears in each issue, can be used in three ways. Entries in regular type refer to subjects; entries in bold type refer to curricular or other uses; entries in ALL-CAPS refer to genres and appeals. In the case of subject headings, the subhead "stories" refers to books for the readaloud audience; "fiction," to those books intended for independent reading.

Abuse–fiction: Hurwin

Actors and acting–fiction: MacLean

Adoption–stories: Young

ADVENTURE: Gilman; Haney; Helfer; Jaffe; Lawlor; Ruby; Sandler

African Americans: Bausum; Miller

African Americans–fiction: Draper; Moses

Animals: Helfer; Zoehfeld

Animals–fiction: Gleitzman; Souhami

Animals–stories: Vestergaard

Art: Carter; Raczka; Rodríguez; Wallace

Art and artists: Raczka; Rodríguez

Art and artists–stories: Littlesugar; Wallace


Asian Americans–stories: Young

Babies–stories: Young

Ballet–stories: Bradley

Baseball–fiction: Bildner


BIOGRAPHIES: Colman; McCully; Miller; Rodríguez

Birds–fiction: Dunrea; Elliott; Pericoli

Birds–stories: Winstead

Books and reading–stories: Child

Brothers–stories: Bradley

Brothers and sisters–fiction: Burch; MacLean; Mills; Ruelle

Brothers and sisters–stories: Child

Bullies–fiction: Gilson

Cats–fiction: Fine Diary; Jaffe

Chickens–fiction: Dunrea

Civics: Atkin

Civil rights movement: Bausum

Civil War–fiction: Durrant

Cliques–fiction: Koss

Clothing–fiction: Bateman; Pollack

Clothing–stories: Engelbreit

Cousins–fiction: Knox

Crime and criminals–fiction: Brooks; Hartnett; Jaffe; Moses; Pollack; Ruby

Current events: Atkin

Dancers and dancing: Miller

Dancers and dancing–stories: Bradley; Durango

Death–fiction: Adoff; Bateman

Dogs–fiction: Fine Notso; Mills

Dogs–stories: Carter

Dreams–fiction: Knox

Easter–stories: Engelbreit

Ecology–fiction: Abouzeid; Gleitzman

Elephants: Helfer

Environmental studies: Zoehfeld

Envy–fiction: MacLean

Ethics and values: Abouzeid; Atkin; Bausum; Castellucci; DiCamillo; Gibfried; Grimes; Hyde; Koss; Stone

FABLES: Hennessy

Faith–stories: Gibfried

Families: Isadora

Families–fiction: Hartnett; Moses; Wildner

FAMILY STORIES: Burch [End Page 383]

FANTASY: Abouzeid; Dunrea; James; Kerr, P.; Knox; Lockhart; Nelson; Ruby; Stanley

Farm life: Peterson

Fathers–fiction: Adoff; Hurwin; Korman; Woodworth


FOLKTALES AND FAIRY TALES: Fowles; Schotter; Souhami

Friends–fiction: Castellucci; Hyde; Kerr, M.; Mills; Nelson; Pollack; Stone; Wildner

Friends–stories: Littlesugar; Winstead

Gays and lesbians–fiction: Bildner


Grandmothers–fiction: Burch

Growing up–fiction: Lockhart

Hats–stories: Engelbreit

HISTORICAL FICTION: Draper; Durrant; Glatshteyn; Kerr, M.; Lawlor; Moses; Pollack; Woodworth

History, U.S.: Bausum; Colman

Holocaust–fiction: Glatshteyn

Holocaust–stories: Littlesugar

HUMOR: Ashman; Bateman; Bildner; Burch; Fine Diary; Fine Notso; Gibfried; Gleitzman; Hennessy; Jaffe; Janeczko; Lowry; Souhami

Hurricanes–stories: Paterson

Identity: Raczka

Identity–fiction: Nelson; Sandell

Inventors and inventing: Fradin; McCully

Jews–fiction: Glatshteyn; Sandell

Jews–stories: Littlesugar

Kidnapping–fiction: Kerr, P.

Knights and chivalry–fiction: Gilman

Language arts: Janeczko; Schotter

LEGENDS: Gibfried

Libraries–stories: Child

Machines: Peterson

Magic–fiction: Kerr, P.

Mice–stories: Wallace

Military studies: Haney

Music and musicians–fiction: Korman

Music and musicians–stories: Durango

MYSTERIES: Brooks; Jaffe; Wildner

Nannies–fiction: Burch

Oppression–fiction: Abouzeid

Orphans–fiction: Ruby

Pets–stories: Winstead

POETRY: Adoff; Grimes; Janeczko; Sandell

Popularity–fiction: Castellucci

Prisons and prisoners–fiction: Kerr, M.

Racism: Bausum

Racism–fiction: Moses

Reading aloud: DiCamillo; Dunrea; Gleitzman; Grimes; Janeczko; Pericoli

Reading, beginning: Ruelle

Reading, easy: Fine Diary; Fine Notso; Gilson; MacLean; Pericoli

Reading, reluctant: Gleitzman; Haney

Relationships–fiction: Gilson; Hurwin; Lockhart; Lowry; Nelson; Stone

Relationships–stories: Könnecke

Revenge–fiction: Brooks

RHYMING STORIES: Durango; Vestergaard

ROMANCE: Elliott; James; Sandell

School–fiction: Gilson; Koss

Science: Fradin; Isadora

Secrets–fiction: Adoff; Hartnett

Sexism–stories: Bradley

Shipwrecks: Sandler

Shoplifting–fiction: Pollack

Sisters–stories: Young

Slavery–fiction: Draper

Social studies: Atkin


Stepfamilies–fiction: Stanley

Stepfamilies–stories: Fowles

Storytime: Ashman; Durango; Fowles; Hennessy; Könnecke; Souhami


Teeth–fiction: Ruelle

Thanksgiving: Grimes [End Page 384]

Toads–fiction: Gleitzman

Toys–fiction: DiCamillo

Trains: Zimmermann

Transportation: Peterson; Zimmermann

Trials–fiction: Koss

Twins–fiction: Kerr, P. B.

Vietnam War–fiction: Woodworth

Voyages and travel: Helfer; Sandler; Zimmermann

Voyages and travel–fiction: DiCamillo; Gleitzman; Hyde; Korman; Lawlor; Stanley

War–fiction: Durrant; James

Weather–stories: Paterson

West, the–fiction: Lawlor

Women's studies: Colman; Durrant; McCully

Words–stories: Schotter

Work–fiction: Lowry

World War II–fiction: Glatshteyn

World War II–stories: Littlesugar

Zoos: Zoehfeld


