In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Editors' Note

We're currently engaged in redesigning and extending the kinds of resources that Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly and the Center for Biographical Research provides for the community of life writing scholars. Here are a few things to look for in the months ahead.

An Extensive Redesign of the CBR Website

We've commissioned a make-over that assumes this website will become an active, responsive resource for information about conferences, publication opportunities, pedagogy, and other activities of the Center and the life writing community. Among the anticipated changes will be a section for sharing syllabi and other teaching resources; an easily accessible archive for checking on conference and publishing opportunities first announced on the IABA List-serv, and for scanning back over the years for long past events; a catalogue of publishing and video resources produced by the CBR and its non-profit organization, the Biographical Research Center, with links to further information and methods of purchase; and an ever-growing set of links to other websites and online resources of interest. We'll be sending out notice on IABA-L when the new home page is available for browsing.

A New Publication Endeavor, through the Biography Monograph Series

The Center plans to publish one or two books a year through its Biography Monograph Series, which is distributed through the University of Hawai'i Press. Submission guidelines should have already been posted on the CBR website by the time you read this. We have already published a number of texts in the past few years. This series will provide another venue for works of critical and theoretical interest on life writing.

Access to the Complete Run of the Journal, from 1978 until Now

Project Muse is currently digitizing the entire run of Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly, which will be available shortly in a completely searchable format. We are also in the process of preparing a detailed name, title, and [End Page iii] subject index for the journal, which will be maintained on the CBR website, and updated with each new issue.

All of these changes should expand the range of services and resources that the Center for Biographical Research makes available for readers of Biography, and for other scholars and students in the field. To insure you'll have regular updates on these changes, and on the activities in the field in general, subscribe to the International Auto/Biography Association listserv, which calls the Center for Biographical Research home. The method for subscribing has changed over the past few months, which is no problem if you are already subscribed, but could be if you consult earlier directions. Here is the current method for signing up:

Send an e-mail to with a message containing the following command:

subscribe IABA-L Your Name

Make sure to leave the subject line empty in the To: From: Subject: section, and also make sure that the only text in the message is the subscribe command. (So remove your automatic name and address information, for example.)

If you have any trouble subscribing, write to us at, and we'll get things fixed. [End Page iv]


