In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index: Volume XII3 1989 ARTICLES Babcock, Barbara Allen. "Reconstracting the Person: The Case of Clara Shortridge Foltz." XII:1, 5-16. Buckler, William E. "Oscar Wilde's Aesthetic of the Self: Self-Realization in De Profundis ."ΧΠ-.2, 95-116. Cisar, Mary. "Ascetic Retreat in the Life and Writings of Madame Roland." XII: 1, 43-62. de Courtivron, Isabelle. "The Other Malraux in Indochina." XII: 1, 29-42. Erlich, Gloria C. "Interpreting Hawthorne: Subjectivity in Biography." XII:2, 127141 . Fong, Bobby. "Maxine Hong Kingston's Autobiographical Strategy in The Woman Warrior." XI1-.2,117-126. Hackett, Nan. "A Different Form of 'Self: Narrative Style in British NineteenthCentury Working-class Autobiography." XII:3, 208-226. Jeansonne, Glen. "The Apotheosis of Huey Long." XII:4, 283-301. Maner, Martin. "Samuel Johnson, Scepticism, and Biography." XII:4, 302-319. Manis, Jerome G. "Great Little Persons." XII:1,17-28. Rodden, John. "Personal Behavior, Biographical History, and Literary Reputation: The Case of George Orwell." XII:3,189-207. "Seville Statement on Violence." XILl, 2-4. Siebenschuh, William R. "Cognitive Processes and Autobiographical Acts." XII:2, 142-153. Sutherland, Daniel E. "The Viscous Thought: Henry Adams and the American Character ." XII:3, 227-250. Wächter, Phyllis E. "Bibliography of Works about Life-Writing for the Latter 1980s." XII:4, 320-327. 366 biography Vol. 12,No. 4 REVIEWS Ackerman, Robert. J. G. Frazer: His Life and Work. (Marc Manganaro), XII:2, 160162 . Bertin, Celia. Marie Bonaparte. A Life. (Jeanine P. Plottel), XII: 1, 73-75. "Books Received," XII:1, 89-91; XII:3, 278-281. Brodzki, Bella and Celeste Schenck, eds. Life/Lines: Theorizing Women's Autobiography . (Hertha D. Wong), XII:4, 336-337. Charmley, John. See Hornberger. Cox, John Stuart. See Theoharis. Dawson, Carl. Prophets of Past Time: Seven British Autobiographers, 1880-1914. (John Halperin), XII:4, 328-331. Gay, Peter. Freud: A Life for Our Time. (Ralph CoIp, Jr.), XII: 1, 64-67. Hinnant, Charles H. Samuel Johnson: An Analysis. (Lawrence Lipking), XII:4, 251253 . Hinz, Evelyn J., ed. Data and Acta: Aspects of Life-Writing. (David Peters Corbett), XII:4, 331-332. Hornberger, Eric and John Charmley, eds. The Troubled Face of Biography. (Deirdre Bair), XII: 1,70-73. Hynes, Samuel. Flights of Passage: Reflections of a World War II Aviator. (Joyce Wexler ),XII:4, 339-341. Marvick, Elizabeth Wirth. Louis XIII: The Making of a King. (J. Michael Hayden), XII: 1,68-70. Meyers, Jeffrey, ed. The Craft of Literary Biography. (Glen Jeansonne), XII: 1, 63-64. "Reviewed Elsewhere" (compiled by Electa Arenal, Zelda Irene Brooks, Marie-José Fassiotto, Michael Fassiotto, Elizabeth N. Goodenough, Mark Helbling, Adrienne D. Hytier, and David Peters Corbett). XILl, 76-88; XII:2, 163184 ; XIL3, 257-277; XIL4, 342-364. Runyan, William McKinley. Psychology and Historical Interpretation. (John E. Gedo), XII:4, 332-335. ---------. Life Histories and Psychobiography. (John E. Gedo), XII:4, 332-335. Savage, Henry, Jr. and Elizabeth J. Savage. André and Francois André Michaux. (Nigel J. H. Smith), XII: 1,67-68. Schmidt, Hans. Maverick Marine: General Smedley D. Butler and tL· Contradictions of American Military History. (Michael Slackman), XII:2,154-156. Schenck, Celeste. See Brodzki. Shapiro, Michael J. The Politics of Representation: Writing Practices in Biography, Photography , and Policy Analysis. (John Rieder), XII:4, 337-338. Theoharis, Äthan G. and John Stuart Cox. The Boss: J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisition. (Alonzo Hamby), XII:3, 253-256. Whittemore, Reed. Pure Lives: TL· Early Biographers. (Greg Clingham), XII:2, 156159 . ...

