In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • English Sijo:Winners of the Sijo Writing Competition of the Sejong Cultural Society of Chicago
  • Creasy Clauser, Taylor Edwards, Sarah Chen, Sean Alaniz, Jordan Levenstein, Kayee Gallup, and Mary Liza Hartong

2009 Winners

First Place
Creasy Clauser (Crawfordsville, IN)
Southmont High School, 12th grade


A single sole was lost today, deep in the river Yalu,Thrashing, twisting, torn to shreds with color quickly fading.On the bridge a small boy laughs, holding out his empty shoe.

Second Place
Taylor Edwards (Euless, TX)
Trinity High School, 10th grade

Secret Song

You ask me what I'm humming; I tell you I'm humming about nothing. [End Page 219] This is untrue because I'm humming about you, all day long.Who am I to tell you you're "nothing" when you are my song?

Third Place
Sarah Chen (Fresh Meadows, NY) Townsend Harris High School, 10th grade

Untitled #445

Remember? Mother and son, father, daughter, uncle and aunt,where are they? That horrid bomb, those Americans, they killed them all.What is left? Hiroshima, gone. In internment, my brothers weep.

2010 Winners

First Place
Sean Alaniz (Tucker, GA)
Eaton Acadamy, 12th grade

Shift Work

Another day at the pet shopGrumpy cats, hyper puppiesAnother puddle, more screaming kidsOne loose bird, two missing ferretsNine o'clock! Not my problem tonightI'm heading home, straight to my bed [End Page 220]

Second Place
Jordan Levenstein (Jericho, NY)
Jericho High School, 12th grade


Oh my god, I love your necklace.Where did you get it?

That skirt looks so great on you—you have the best clothing in the school!

I hate her so much;I put on such an act when I see her.

Third Place
Kayee Gallup (Atlanta, GA)
Marist School, 12th grade


You pick me up, you use me.I am nothing to you but an object.I am tired of the scrubbing and cleaning.You know I have feelings too!Ew, that's gross! Those are anchovies!I never agreed to cleaning your dirty teeth. [End Page 221]

Third Place
Mary Liza Hartong (Nashville, TN)
Harpeth Hall School, 10th grade


Mexico, or rather a beach in the east, suits me quite well.I prefer climates that sing gently like warm mothers, like mine.For western thrills like roller coasters don't soothe like they promise. [End Page 222]


