In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contents Volume 42
Contents Volume 42
Number 1
"And Whatever It Is, It Is You": RICHARD RADER 1
The Autochthonous Self in
Aeschylus's Seven Against Thebes
Born to Speak: Ingenium and Natura in ANTONIA SYSON 45
Tacitus's Dialogue on Orators
The Virgin, the Bear, the Upside-Down Strix: LAURA CHERUBINI 77
An Interpretation of ANTONINUS LIBERALIS 21
Oneself as Others: Aurelius and Autobiography KEITH DICKSON 99
Number 2
"They Spoke the Truest of Words": RYAN S. SCHELLENBERG 131
Irony in the Speeches of Herodotus's Histories
Stories at the Loom: Patterned Textiles ANTHONY TUCK 151
and the Recitation of Myth in Euripides
Pliny and the Dolphin-Or a Story BENJAMIN STEVENS 161
about Storytelling
Death, the Maiden, and the Mirror: RABUN TAYLOR 181
Ausonius's Water World
BOOKS RECEIVED 207 [End Page 309]
Number 3
On Tyrant Property Turned Ritual Object: JULIA KINDT 211
Political Power and Sacred Symbols in
Ancient Greece and in Social Anthropology
Cicero's Definition of ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΟΣ JONATHAN ZARECKI 251
For Whom the Clock Drips ANDREW M. RIGGSBY 271
Drinking from the Water-Clock: JAMES KER 279
Time and Speech in Imperial Rome

[End Page 310]


