In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Book Reviews
  • Errata
Evangelizing the Chosen People: Missions to the Jews in America 1880-2000, by Yaakov Ariel, reviewed by Leon A. Jick
Delayed Impact: The Holocaust and the Canadian Jewish Community, by Franklin Bialystok, reviewed by H. David Kirk
Jews and the American Slave Trade, by Saul S. Friedman, reviewed by Daniel C. Littlefield
Urban Exodus: Why the Jews Left Boston and the Catholics Stayed, by Gerald Gamm, reviewed by Edward S. Shapiro
Shopping for Identity: The Marketing of Ethnicity, by Marilyn Halter, reviewed by Warren Belasco
Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia, edited by Paula E. Hyman and Deborah Dash Moore, reviewed by Karin Wulf
Converging Movements: Modern Dance and Jewish Culture at the 92nd Street Y, by Naomi M. Jackson, reviewed by Naima Prevots
Suddenly Jewish: Jews Raised As Gentiles Discover Their Jewish Roots, by Barbara Kessel, reviewed by Julius Lester

