In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Sergio Benvenuto is a psychoanalyst and philosopher. He is Senior Researcher at the Institute for Sciences and Technologies of Cognition of the Italian Council for Scientific Research (ISTC-CNR) in Rome and editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Psychoanalysis, which he founded in 1995. He teaches psychoanalytic clinical practice in several institutes in Naples, Kiev, Moscow, and Mexico City and is the author of many books and papers in different languages, most recently: Mechta Lacana [Dream Lacan] in Russian (Aleteyya, 2006); "Perversion and Charity: An Ethical Approach," in D. Nobus & L. Downing (eds.), Perversion: Psychoanalytic Perspectives / Perspectives on Psychoanalysis (Karnac, 2006); with A. Molino, In Freud's Tracks (Jason Aronson, 2008); Accidia: La passione dell'indifferenza [Sloth: The Passion of Indifference] (il Mulino, 2008); Perversionen: Sexualität, Ethik und Psychoanalyse [Perversions: Sexuality, Ethics and Psychoanalysis] (Turia & Kant, 2009); and La gelosia [Jealousy] (il Mulino, 2011).

Lisa Farley is Associate Professor at York University in Toronto. Her research explores both the history of psychoanalysis and the uses of psychoanalysis in conceptualizing dilemmas of historical representation, childhood, and pedagogy. Recent publications have appeared in History and Memory, Psychoanalysis and History, Curriculum Inquiry, and Pedagogy, Culture and Society.

David Hadar is a junior editor for Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas and a regular contributor to Ha'aretz. Currently, he is completing his doctorate in English literature at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, where he is writing his thesis on "Imagining the Death of the Author in Contemporary North American Fiction."

Robert King is a clinical psychologist who practices and teaches in Brisbane. He is responsible for the Clinical Psychology training program at Queensland University of Technology where [End Page 579] he is a professor in the School of Psychology and Counselling. His psychoanalytic training took place in Melbourne where the dominant influences were Lacanian and the British Object Relations tradition. He has a broad research portfolio that includes models of public mental health service provision, psychosocial rehabilitation for people with severe mental illness, and online psychological interventions. Most recently, he co-edited A Manual of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (Wiley, 2012).

Steffen Krüger is currently Researcher-in-Residence in the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo and a social therapist with a psychiatric emergency team. He is the author of Das Unbehagen in der Karikatur: Kunst, Propaganda und Persuasive Kommunikation im Theoriewerk Ernst Kris' [Caricature and its Discontents: Art, Propaganda, and Persuasive Communication in the Theoretical Work of Ernst Kris] (Fink, 2011). With Thomas Röske, he co-edited the forthcoming essay collection on Kris, Im Dienste des Ich: Ernst Kris heute [In the Service of the Ego: Ernst Kris Today] (Böhlau). His research centers on psychosocial approaches to media communication. He received his doctorate in mass media and communication from the Freie Universität, Berlin, where he was Researcher in the Institute of Communication History and Applied Cultural Studies.

Michael Uebel, Ph.D., LCSW, is a clinician, scholar, and teacher in Austin, Texas. He works with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Central Texas Veterans Health Care System. [End Page 580]


