
Children with hearing loss are at risk for outcomes below their potential despite institution of educational approaches at increasingly younger ages. Research suggests some benefits of early intervention (EI) for these children and their families. However, previous investigators have not delineated broader family, child, and program variables that warrant consideration in understanding the role, success, and limitations of EI. The present study involved 28 hearing families and their children with hearing impairments aged 42 to 87 months, 9 to 42 months postgraduation from an EI program. The information gathered included demographics, duration and intensity of the EI, parent involvement, and educational and communication choices. Results provide a descriptive profile of children with hearing loss and their hearing families from EI through the preschool years. The discussion reflects upon EI in the context of this population's significant heterogeneity. Complex and confounding factors are presented that may affect children's and families' short- or long-term progress and the goals of EI.
