In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

1975,Volume 120 1976,Volume 121 1977,Volume 122 1978,Volume 123 Selected Topics of Interest: 1983 The following "special" section, a feature of the April Annals since 1974, presents data on selected topics of current interest to educators of the deaf. The section will be continued annually, focusing each year on different standards, statistics or trends in order to extend coverage beyond that available in the Annals literary issues. The editors invite suggestions on special areas of consideration . To date, the selected topics have included: 1974, Volume 119 —Certification Standards for Teachers of the Hearing Impaired —Certification Requirements for Dormitory Counselors —Hearing Impaired-Mentally Retarded Persons in Facilities for the Retarded —Frequency of Reported Mental Retardation Among Hearing Impaired Students in Special Education Programs: 1972-1973 —Follow-Up Data on Educational Programs Serving Hearing Impaired Students -Hearing Impaired School Leavers -Deaf Students with Other Disabilities -Mainstreaming and Partial Integration of Deaf with Hearing Students -Mainstream Education for Hearing Impaired Pupils: Issues and Interviews -School Achievement Scores of Hearing Impaired Children: National Data -Statement on "Least Restrictive" Placements for Deaf Students -Standards for Evaluation of Programs for the Preparation of Teachers of the Hearing Impaired —Personnel, Facilities, and Services Available in Schools and Classes for Hearing Impaired Children —Current Findings Regarding the Performance of Deaf Children on the WISC-R 1979,Volume 124 —Deaf-Visually Impaired Persons: Incidence and Services —Federal Actions on Interpreters and Telecommunications —Educational Significance of Hearing Loss at Three Levels of Severity 1980,Volume 125 —Public Residential Schools for Deaf Students in the United States, 1970-1978 —Due Process. A Status Report on Schools for Deaf Children —The Impact of 504 on Schools for the Deaf 1981,Volume 126 —Profile of Psychological Service Providers to Hearing-Impaired Students —Health Care Delivery for Deaf Patients: The Provider's Role —Otologic Survey of Schools for the Deaf —Hearing-Impaired Children from Non-Native Language Homes 1982,Volume 127 —Structure of Canadian Instructional Systems for the Hearing Impaired —Canadian Services to Hearing-Impaired Adults —Hearing-Impaired Children and Youth in Canada: Student Characteristics in Relation to Manual Communication Patterns in Four Special Education Settings The major topic of interest for the 1983 Selected Topics section is the issue of parent-infant education—addressed by the following articles: "Parent-Infant Education in Schools for Deaf Children : Results of CEASD Survey," "Early Identification of Hearing Loss: Practices and Procedures," "Salient Features from the Literature, with Implications for Parent-Infant Programming," and "PsychoEducational Evaluation of Hearing-Impaired Preschool Children." In addition, a topic of immediate concern is the status of the graduating classes of deaf children with an etiology of maternal rubella, as discussed in the article, "Current Trends in High School Graduation and College Enrollment of Hearing-Impaired Students." A.A.D. I April 1983 Introduction 81 ...

