Women's Studies Quarterly only accepts submissions based on our current CFP.

Papers should be submitted in standard formatting (12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced, standard margins).

Do NOT use bold, lines, designs, capitalization, or any other type of formatting apart from standard formatting in your essay. Please underline anything that you would like italicized in your manuscript. Manuscripts must be saved in Microsoft Word. We cannot accept any other formats.


Articles should be no longer than 6,000 words (which should include un-embedded footnotes). If you wish to submit an article longer than 6,000 words, you should confer with the guest editors. A half-page image is approximately 200 words. (See the section Images, Tables, and Graphs below.)


Book reviews should be submitted in standard formatting (12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced, standard margins). Book reviews should not exceed 1,400 words, unless otherwise specified by the guest editors.


Please include a brief (40 word or less) biography with your manuscript. The biography should be located after the text of your manuscript but before your notes and works cited. All authors, poets, translators, and visual artists who submit pieces to the journal should include a biography.


WSQ follows the author-date style of the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th Edition. All in-text references should appear as follows: (Gibson, Law, and McKay 2001). Or, if you include a page number, then: (Gibson, Law, and Mckay 2001, 45). Or, if there is no author, then your in-text citation would be ("short title" year, page number), and all material cited should be included at the end under "Works Cited." WSQ does NOT use reference lists.

DO NOT use the "footnote" function in Word to create endnotes, but type them as regular text at the end of your manuscript. Use bracketed numbers (for example <2> would indicate reference number 2 in text). At the end of the manuscript, type out your notes using simple numbers with periods-for example, 2. for note number 2. Endnotes should be reserved for substantive commentary rather than used for citation.

DO NOT cite page references as footnotes. Also, DO NOT include bibliographic information in notes.

You, the author, are responsible for submitting your piece in accordance with this method of citation. Examples for how you should submit works cited follow:

Folbre, Nancy. 2001. The Invisible Heart: Economics and Family Values. New York: The New Press.

Gibson, Katherine, Lisa Law, and Deirdre McKay. 2001. "Beyond Heroes and Victims: Filipina Contract Migrants, Economic Activism, and Class Transformation." International Feminist Journal of Politics 3(3):365-85.

[Note: There should be no space between issue, volume, and page number]

Salamon, Julie. 2003. "Professor's Rebellion: Teaching Western Books in Iran, and in U.S., Too." New York Times, March 24, E3.

Spivak, Gayatri. C. 1988. "Can the Subaltern Speak?" In Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, ed. C. Nelson. A. L. Grossberg. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

United Nations. 1994. Final Report of the United Nations Commission of Experts.


If figures or images are to be included, the author should clearly mark the place of insertion in the text, and attach all visual materials separately, labeled accordingly. Images should be at least 300 dpi (high-resolution) with a width of 4.25 inches in order to be printed clearly in the journal. All images must be in black and white. Captions should be listed on a separate sheet and included at the time of submission. Images and captions must accompany final manuscript. When counting the length of your manuscript, each image or figure should be an estimated half a page.


You are responsible for obtaining permission to use any quoted material that appears in your submission that exceeds fair use standards. Please check with your editor at the Press if you have any questions about fair use.

Permission to reprint copyrighted poems or lyrics that exceed two lines in length must be secured by the author. WSQ staff urges you, the contributor, to begin this typically drawn-out process immediately upon acceptance of your piece for publication.


Your manuscript will be copyedited after you submit your final version. The copyediting will be forwarded to you for your review with instructions from your editor.