+ MUSE Alert

In this Issue

Editorial Board


Charles H. Rowell

Managing Editor

Mary-Chistine Phillip

Associate Editors

Lindon Barrett
Vèvè Clark
Carrol F. Coates
Rita Dove
Percival Everett
Bruce Morrow

Assistants to the Editor

Finnie Coleman
Lesli Harris
Jeremiah Jeffries

Editorial Assistant

Shenda D.Allen

Contributing and Advisory Editors

Elizabeth Alexander
Kwame Anthony Appiah
Kathleen M. Balutansky
Kimberly Benston
Jennifer DeVere Brody
Maryse Condé
Thmas Sayers Ellis
Ernest J. Gaines
Farah Jasmine Griffin
Michael S. Harper
Saidiya Hartman
Mae G. Henderson
Yusef Komunyakaa
Helen Elaine Lee
Reginald McKnight
Clarence Major
Gustavo Pellón
Carl Phillips
Arnold Rampersad
Nathan A. Scott, Jr.
Robert B. Stepto
Sharan Strange
Ginger Thornton
Derek Walcott
Kenneth W. Warren
John Edgar Wideman
Judith Wilson
Jay Wright