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  • Contributors

Diane Enns is working on a project concerning violence, totality and self-determination in the Philosophy Department at the University of Toronto where she holds a postdoctoral fellowship. She has previously published on subjectivity, identity and emancipatory discourses and is currently finishing a book manuscript entitled Speaking of Freedom: Philosophy, Politics and the Struggle for Liberation. She can be reached at

Ian Angus was born in London, England in 1949 and emigrated to Canada in 1958. He teaches in the Department of Humanities at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. He is the author and editor of a number of books of philosophy and social-cultural criticism, most recently (Dis)figurations and Primal Scenes of Communication. He can be reached through his web site at

Bill Connolly teaches political theory at Johns Hopkins University where he is the Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of political science. His recent books include The Ethos of Pluralization, Why I A Not A Secularist, and latest book, entitled Neuropolitics, Thinking, Culture, Speed.

Diana Coole is professor of political philosophy at Queen Mary College, University of London. Her most recent book is Negativity and Politics. Dionysus and Dialectics from Kant to Poststructuralism. She is currently writing a book on Merleau-Ponty's political philosophy and researching the significance of normative theories of democracy for democratisation in China. She can be reached at

Joel Olson is assistant professor of political science at Northern Arizona University. His book The Abolition of White Democracy is forthcoming from the University of Minnesota Press. He can be reached at

David Owen is a reader in political philosophy and Deputy Director of the Centre for Post-Analytic Philosophy at the University of Southampton. His recent books include Foucault contra Habermas and Inhuman Reflections. He is currently writing a book on genealogy and co-writing a book on Nietzsche and modern moral philosophy. He can be reached at

Richard Smith is a lecturer on Film Studies in the Department of Art History and Theory at The University of Sydney. His principle area of research interest is the temporality and form of the cinematic image, the place of technology and thought in generic and formal change and the range of theories useful for considering these aspects of cinema. He can be reached at

