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144 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING CIYAWO TOPIC 38 Applied Verb Endings Some examples in English of the applied voice are, ‘I fell into a hole the other day’ and ‘I opened the door for her’. The applied verb endings give direction to verbs as in opened for and fell into. The applied verb ending can also be used to indicate an action that is done towards, on behalf of, for, into or with regard to another person, place or thing. This type of verb ending can be used for just about any verb in Ciyawo. Since this verb ending is used to indicate an action towards something or someone else the verb will sometimes include an Object Marker, OM, from the noun class indicating who or what the other person or thing is. There are two different formulas for applied verb endings. The ending depends on the vowel present in the primary stem of the verb being used. The first formula is for the primary stems with the vowels ‘A’, ‘I’ & ‘U’. Looking at the formula we start with an infinitive verb form and add the suffix ila.  &YBNQMFT  ,VKJHBMBUPDBSSZ  LVKJHBMB JMBLVKJHBMJMBUPDBSSZGPS  ,VDBQBUPXBTI  LVDBQB JMBLVDBQJMBUPXBTIBUGPS  ,VQVNVMBUPSFTU  LVQVNVMB JMBLVQVNVMJMBUPSFTUBU  ,VMZBUPFBU  LVMZB JMBLVMJMBUPFBUBU  ,VXVKBUPSFUVSO  LVXVKB JMBLVXVKJMBUPSFUVSOUPXBSETBU Infinitive stem + ila = Kupikana + ila = Kupikanila = To obey (someone or something) Applied Verb Endings for Primary Stem A, I & U 145 Infinitive + ela = Kutenda + ela = Kutendela = To do for/at/towards The second formula deals with verbs that have the primary stems with vowels of ‘E’ or ‘O’. Looking at the formula we start with an infinitive verb form and add the suffix ela. Applied Verb Endings for Primary Stem E & O  &YBNQMFT  ,VHPOBUPTMFFQ  LVHPOB FMBLVHPOFMBUPTMFFQBU  ,VUFMFLBUPDPPL  LVUFMFLB FMBLVUFMFDFMBUPDPPLGPS  ,PHBUPCBUIF  LPHB FMBLPKFMBUPCBUIFBU  ,VQPOEBUPTUFQ  LVQPOEB FMBLVQPOEFMBUPTUFQPO  ,VƌFDFUBUPUBML  LVƌFDFUB FMB LVƌFDFUFMBUPUBMLBU  &YBNQMF4FOUFODFTJOUIF1SFTFOU$POUJOVPVT5FOTF  /HXBKJHBMJMBVHBMJXBXP  *BNHFUUJOHVHBMJGPSZPV  .LVDBQJMBZBLVXBMBLVDJTJNB :PVBSFXBTIJOHDMPUIFTBUUIFXFMM  "LVQVNVMJMBQBNCVMJMJBQBOP 4IFJTSFTUJOHJOUIFTIBEFBUUIJTQMBDF  5VLVMJMBVHBMJQBVHPOP  8FBSFFBUJOHVHBMJPOUIFNBU  $JKVOJDJLVXVKJMBLVDJTVTJDBLXF 5IFCJSEJTSFUVSOJOHUPJUTOFTU Note: 1) There is an Object Marker in the first example above wa referring to you (see Topic 32). 2) The remaining four examples use locatives as well as applied verb endings referring to the same ideas of in, on and to (see Topic 22).  &YBNQMFTPG"QQMJFE7FSCTJO1BTU 1SFTFOU1FSGFDU /FBS'VUVSF 'BS'VUVSF  BOE*NQFSBUJWF5FOTFT  /BKJHBMJMFVHBMJXBXP  *HPUUIFVHBMJGPSZPV QBTU  .XBDBQJMFZBLVXBMBƌFMFXP :PVIBWFXBTIFEUIFDMPUIFTGPSIJN QSFTFOUQFSGFDU  $BQVNVMJMFQBNCVMJMJBQBOP 4IFXJMMSFTUJOUIFTIBEFBUUIJTQMBDF OFBSGVUVSF  5VDJMJMBVHBMJQBVHPOP  8FXJMMFBUVHBMJPOUIFNBU GBSGVUVSF  $JKVOJDJXVKJMFLVDJTVTJDBLXF 5IFCJSENVTUSFUVSOUPJUTOFTU JNQFSBUJWF  &YBNQMFTVTJOH0CKFDU.BSLFSTGPS*OEJSFDU1SPOPVO  /HXBUFMFDFMBVHBMJXBXP  *BNDPPLJOHVHBMJGPSZPV  .LVOEFMFDFMBVOFVHBMJ  :PVBSFDPPLJOHVHBMJGPSNF  "LVUVUFMFDFMBVXFVHBMJ  4IFJTDPPLJOHVHBMJGPSVT  "LXBUFMFDFMBƌFMFXPVHBMJ 4IFJTDPPLJOHVHBMJGPSIJN  5VLXBUFMFDFMBKFNBOKBVHBMJ 8FBSFDPPLJOHVHBMJGPSZPV QMVSBM TOPIC 38: APPLIED VERB ENDINGS ...
