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Introduction T his volume is part of a series of disability study materials development process in response to a need identified after the introduction of a disability studies in the curriculum of a number of theological institutions through the initiative of the Ecumenical DisabilityAdvocates Network (EDAN). The first in the series were two volumes produced in 2007 through a joint project of Ecumenical Theological Education (ETE), EDAN andAssociation of Theological Education Institutions in South EastAsia (ATESEA). Volume one is entitled: Persons with Disabilities in Society: Problems and Challenges” and the Second volume is “Disabled God amidst Broken People”. “Disability, Society and Theology: Voices fromAfrica” is the result of a workshop which brought together African theologians, persons with disabilities and disability expertise in the Region to prepare resource materials to enrich the disability study process in the context of the Africa region. The workshop was organized in Mombasa Kenya in June 2008 under the joint leadership of EDAN and Saint Paul’s University Faculty of Theology. The writers were drawn mainly from Theologians, persons with disabilities and disability experts from the African Region. Each of the writers was given a topic to research on and prepares a paper in accordance with his or her expertise and experience. At the end of the workshop, twenty-four papers was presented, critically analyzed and the writers given time to go back and improve on them.An Editorial committee viii was formed to put the papers together and the result of all this work was the publication of this volume. Samuel Kabue, Executive Secretary, EDAN i x ...
