In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contents Dedication ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- v Acknowledgements -------------------------------------------------------------------- ix Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- xi Statement from The Judiciary ------------------------------------------------------xiii Hon. David S. Majanja P P P P PAR AR AR AR ART ONE: T ONE: T ONE: T ONE: T ONE: Youth Presence in National Agenda Chapter One: Youth As Leaders in Kenya: Transforming Society By Building Bridges-------------------- 3 Kimani Njogu Chapter Two: Perspectives on Youth Policies in Kenya --------------------- 36 Margaret Wamuyu Chapter Three: Socio-Economic Status of Youth in Kenya: Implications for Peaceful Elections--------------------------- 55 Chrispine Oduor Owino Chapter Four: Opportunities and Challenges for Participation of Young People in the Electoral Process ----------------------- 69 Suba Churchill P P P P PAR AR AR AR ART T T T T T T T T TWO: WO: WO: WO: WO: Youth and Peaceful Elections Chapter Five: Economic Implications of Peaceful and Fair General Elections in Kenya ------------------------------ 81 X.N. Iraki Chapter Six: Social Implications of Peaceful and Fair General Elections in Kenya------------------------------------ 97 Agnes Zani Contents vii Chapter Seven: Role of Political Parties in Ensuring Peaceful and Fair Elections ---------------------------------------------------108 Njeri Kabeberi P P P P PAR AR AR AR ART T T T T THREE: THREE: THREE: THREE: THREE: Youth, Leadership and Peace Building Chapter Eight: National Peace and Stability: The Role of Kenyans in the Diaspora ----------------------121 Olubayi Olubayi Chapter Nine: Children of the Post-Colony and Violence: Starting from the Hearth -------------------------------------136 Doseline Kiguru Chapter Ten: The Role of Youth in Trans-local Peace building among Pastoralist Communities in Northwestern Kenya---------148 Willis Okumu About the Contributors ------------------------------------------------------------176 viii Youth and Peaceful Elections in Kenya ...
