In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

SOUTHERN WEST CAMEROON REVISITED VOL. 2 NORTH-SOUTH WEST NEXUS 1858-1972 Anthony Ndi of power and enjoyed free primary and adult education. It was further crowned with an ideal, efficient qualifies as a “Golden Age” for that nostalgic state, whose citizens were repeatedly referred to as “nice, peace loving, loyal, good and hospitable people” by administrators, missionaries, visitors and those who got to know them closely. The most remarkable observation however, was that finally made by Malcolm Milne, the greatest critic, who noted that during his last couple of years in the Southern Cameroons administration, he dealt with: “People of high intelligence who knew exactly what they wanted.” Of the civil servants, he maintains that they had greatly enriched his time in the colonial service; “There was something very special about that corps; their service was their watch word.” This superlative description by Malcolm Milne was being made of a combination of the people of the present North and South West 1955 - 1968, Southern West Cameroon came close towards becoming an ideal state. up to the reunification of Cameroon and beyond.” “A monumental treatise with startling revelation on Cameroons’ national history, written with superb confidence….” “… written by a luminous historiographer [….] the historical plot espoused by the author resides in a setting of controversies where the tension between the force of argument and the argument of force seem to be conspicuously evident and where rhetoric and reality stand astride” “Anthony Ndi argues forcefully and convincingly that Ahidjo’s ‘bad faith’ and determination to introduce a centralized personal authoritarian rule largely explains the failure of the Federal Republic of Cameroon… without a fair trial period” is Associate Professor of History and current Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and CooperationandHeadoftheHistoryDepartmentintheCatholicUniversityofCameroon(CATUC),Bamenda. ...
