In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

47 Foreign Rule From these shores Yesterday’s transatlantic lords May have fled Where today’s transfixed governors Have in spirit joined them American, English, French and in-between The coveted passports Harvard, Oxford, Sorbonne and whatever Schools for the offspring Of our absentee landlords Still a side-lip patriotism they preach A Trojan and barren faith for Motherland Of our absentee landlords Ensconced in empireland Pursuing hot golf courses, Real estate – huge insurance on the mammoth plunder of Motherland for empireland Vainly, they ape personhood Stark choice, alas when dawns the day of reckoning for our alien citizens when taking on slavehood is the dark alley of no return Black as the bank accounts Insane, and secured in empireland 48 By the crazy gods of democrazy and freedom The tears, sweat and blood Of the victims of this our foreign rule Democrazy Blues I heard them talk, over and again Promised to do this and that Promised and promised again For my vote, they vied For my voice, they vowed For the good of democracy, they vented The ear I strained to hear The eye I rubbed to see me too in the deal – to no avail Then it dawned t’was election time When even the Wasp is a friend Time to sting – and sing – the democrazy blues ...
