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33 The Captive Caught betwixt and bewitched In a state of a double man Seeking vainly the balance Between a civilization of terror Of silver-gilt savagery and violence And a civilization in meek defense and servitude Seeking to cast yonder his identity And find it Wanting his independence But accepting dependence The Captive East or West for him? Is home really the best? Or is the monkey right? Does greatness lie in the things Of the mukala? Does the sun Rise in the West And set in the East? He looks South, the Captive Shunning the blinding rays Now in the North – to which he moves Aware of the Cripple’s dignity, he is Yet learns to reject that which is his Albeit the merits in which he sees And that the shark’s back’s not a home 34 A two-faced man Tormented by the worry of indecision Is his ‘bad’ worse than their ‘good’ Is their ‘good’ better than his ‘bad’ Hard to find the balance – the answer Fonkeng, E.f. Children What source of joy to those who have What anxiety to those who wait What disillusionment to those who don’t have What delicate task to those who must bring them up What fulfillment in those who succeed What pain to those who do not Are they really worth the trouble? Do they really spice up life? Do they guarantee a peaceful end? Do they guarantee happiness? Forsac D. Etogokwe ...
