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19 Miss Ngeme Her long silky dark hair rose majestically Then her black slant eyes irradiated like the full moon Everyone froze, stared admiringly Trying to guess – Miss Ngeme? Miss Ngeme! the thought ran through several minds The door opened slowly, the stares persisted A well-shaped pair of legs touched the ground, softly On them, an evenly trimmed sculpture of a body Sending an exciting signal to all who watched with anxiety Must be Miss Ngeme, someone in the crowd whispered The most gorgeous creature ever seen around here A vibrant smile, that took away everyone’s breath Embedded in a short, black dress that exhibited the equitable Dimensions of each body part, rendering her even prettier Was she a fairy, Miss Ngeme, or both? The soft and seductive voice blended in with her beautypower Her slim layered moistened lips were irresistible Miss Ngeme, indeed, named after the village that lies Between the Atlantic Ocean and the foot of Mount Fako Esendugue Greg Fonsah ...
