In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

vii Pictures Political map of Africa………………………………………….. ix Coup and non-coup countries…………………………………... 13 Soldiers on patrol following a coup……………………………... 23 Bemused civilians watch soldiers following a coup…………….. 28 Soldiers manning a street corner following a coup……………… 42 Military vehicle blocks street following a coup…………………. 43 Ahidjo, Selassie, Bokassa, Sobhoza II……………………………51 AU, UN, EU flags……………………………………………….61 Hans Kelsen……………………………………………………. 64 Hierarchy of norms pyramid……………………………………..66 Inverted collapsible pyramid……………………………………..70 Soldiers chasing demonstrating civilians…………………………80 Scale, judges…………………………………………………….. 87 Military mistreatment of civilians……………………………….. 105 AU Leaders……………………………………………………... 106 Corporal chastisement of a civilian by a soldier…………………. 112 Civilian being manhandled by soldiers………………………….. 113 viii ...
