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66 Leave The Door Open We sit and fold our arms in front of televisions Unaware they are out offering streets huge embraces. Learning we provide them to explore their visions, They use to swing our errors on their old shoelaces. We fill their rubber plates with our mothers’ recipes And watch them empty their souls to our friends’ stares. School shocks? Love burns? In their wars for peace They push us to the back to protect us from nightmares. We provoke dialogue but they parade gloomy moods And shrink our fears with big words from their books. The path of impatience may lead to radiant sunrise If only they find its trail which vanishes with sunset. Loh is now squatting in a dark alley with starved mice, Aching for his favourite smoke-smelling fufu, that I bet. His nocturnal wails for milk pull the bedcovers off me. At the window, the night gets creepier with each tick Flitting images of spiced chicken on china tempt me Television pictures swallowed only by the unrealistic. One day he will see that the road nowhere leads home. To cots or in coffins, it always starts and ends at home. 01/02/07 ...
