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45 Straddling the Mungo Maraboutage Ma chère amie, Ne me fais pas la sorcellerie à cause de l’amour! L’amour n’est pas forcé. Mon cher frère, Ne me vend au famla20 à cause de la richesse. La richesse provient de Dieu. Mon cher cousin, Ne me vend pas au muyongo21 ! La parenté n’est pas une marchandise! Ma chère soeur, Ne me fais pas le maraboutage à cause de l’affaire chop-chair22 L’héritage c’est le droit d’aîné! Il ne s’agit pas de hop-eye23 Mon cher tara24 , Ne me fais pas le vaudou! L’amitié n’est pas forcée. Ma chérie coco, Ne me fais pas le tima-mboussa25 ! Au cause du mariage. Le mariage n’est pas forcé. Ma chère wolowoss, Ne me mets pas le mbongo-chobi dans la bouffe!26 La prostitution n’est pas sorcière! 20 Bamileke secret society noted for acts of sorcery 21 Witchcraft 22 Heir 23 Bullying 24 Friend 25 Love potion in Cameroon. 26 Love potion in Cameroon 46 Remonstrance/Remontrance Mon neveu magicien, Ne me vend pas au Koupé27 ! La parenté ne se marchande pas! Empty Vessels Trust your elected representatives, Your roads will soon be tarred, Within the means at their disposal. A promise is a debt! Have confidence in your MPs, All the hospitals will soon have Supplies of medication within the limits of what is possible. A promise is a debt! Rest assured, All the degree holders working in Chômecam Will be employed as soon as possible, within the limits of what is possible This sort of misery should be taken seriously!. This is for sure, All salary arrears shall be paid immediately, Within the limits of our means. You cannot sleep when your Neighors are starving. Trust us, All your schools shall soon be furnished with learning resources Within the limits of our budgets. A promise is a debt! 27 Cameroonian secret society ...
