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Index anglophones, 15, 22, 24, 26-30, 32, 36, 45-51, 58-60, 89-96 Bamenda, 1, 2, 22-25, 29-32, 41-42, 44, 45, 59, 60, 62, 65, 66-73, 75-83 Bamilekes, 27, 36-37, 47-48 Beti ethnicity, 6, 14, 48 Beti, Mongo 3, 20, 41, 46, 50, 58-59, 80, 89-94 Cameroon election cycles and results, 15-20, 22, 34-38, 77 Cameroon National Union/Ahmadou Ahidjo, 6, 12, 24, 29, 4445 Cameroon Peoples’ Democratic Movement/Paul Biya, 1, 5-6, 12-14, 17, 20, 22, 24-25, 29, 33, 44-45, 63, 68-70, 79, 82, 89, 91-93 Central Africa, 2, 35, 38, 51, 89, 95 Cöte d’Ivoire, 2, 14, 53 Congo-Brazzaville/Congo-Kinshasa, 10, 13, 38 democracy and democratization, measures of and movements for, 3, 7-8, 10-12, 14-15, 45, 47, 53-54, 62-63, 80-84, 87, 96 developmental/participatory/workshop democracy, 61-63, 88 Douala, 3, 15, 23, 36-38, 47, 53-54, 58-59, 83, 89-90 Eboussi Boulaga, Fabien, 13, 19-20, 35, 52 ethnicity in Africa and Cameroon, issues of and disputes over, 10, 35-39, 89 France/Paris, 16, 52, 82, 94 francophones, 15, 22, 30, 45-48, 60, 94 Great Britain/London, 28, 30-31, 44, 49, 52, 78 Kenya, 9-10, 12, 21, 94 Nigeria/Biafra, 16, 27-28, 38, 44, 55, 90 other Cameroonian opposition parties since 1990, 16, 33-34, 37, 42 patrimonialism, 6-10, 30, 37, 78 social democracy, 51-61, 63 Socialist International, 51-52, 56, 61, 95 Social Democratic Front/John Fru Ndi, critiques (internal and external), 18-21, 38, 41, 46, 48-50, 80, 86-88, 93 electoral history, 16-19, 34-35, 41, 77 federalism policy for Cameroon, 46-47 Founding Fathers, 46, 58-59, 85-86 Fru Ndi, party leadership and the succession issue, 2325 , 85-87 Fru Ndi, biography and character, 44-45, 57-58, 80, 90-94 members abroad, 78-79 Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association, 77-78 Muslims, 72, 77, 91 National Assembly role, 41-42 North West Province chiefs (fons) and the SDF, 25, 62, 69-71 party creation and early prominence, 1990-1992, 5, 1416 , 45-46 party diversity, debates and conflicts, 17, 28-29, 41-42, 68, 80, 85-86, 88 party finances, membership constituencies and organization since 1992, 40, 58-61, 63, 66-69, 7378 , 83-88 party pre-history to 1990, 44-45 SDF national and provincial party conventions, 20, 65, 67-68, 76, 84-85, 88, 92-93 SDF North West Province presence outside Bamenda, 9, 2232 , 65-79 social democracy policy for Cameroon, 54-57 survival and tenacity, 21, 41-42, 80-83, 94-96 women and the SDF (including takumbeng), 65-67, 69, 76, 87-88 Wum, village of, 71-77 South Africa, 5, 21, 53, 78, 94 South West Province, 26-28, 36, 49, 74-76 Southern Cameroons National Council, 22, 24-25, 48-49, 59, 79 sub-Saharan Africa at large, 3, 5, 7-11, 16, 21, 38, 53 Union des Populations du Cameroun, 4, 20-21, 34, 40, 53-55, 60, 80, 82, 96 violence/non-violence (including 1991 “villes mortes/ghost towns”), 2, 15-16, 23, 32, 45, 55, 69-71, 77-78, 81-82 West Africa 2, 38, 51, 88 Yaounde, 3, 14-15, 18, 20, 22-23, 29, 31-32, 36, 38, 41-42, 45, 49, 58-59, 66, 68, 72, 81, 83, 90 Yaya Saidou Maïdadï, 17, 41, 85, 88, 95 Yugoslavia, 1, 2, 14 ...
