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98 Coins and Sheets Smiling devils amongst men Ununderstood we seem by them. About us thieves, merchants…. Confabulate But carrying us along, they Stand quarrelling. From a deep slumber we’ve awaken. One divorced us after Making us his prisoners for more than a score. How grumpy is he a month after? Take him up the muzzle Against the meticulous Shah who debauching his insignia With us for the meantime peters the insurrection. Neither ignition nor burial would be possible without us Accepting us He turns around to trash all claims As though he were no mercenary But a good J… Need he to embrace us Manufacture lies and loot us From the labour of the plebs? Though we’re devils, we cure mahoganic hands Just as we avert lettuce-like hands Causing jollity And not forgetting stolidity. ...
