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30 Joyce B. Ashuntantang Asoreh* Love It was my way of telling you ‘‘I love you’’ The white sprawling designs captured the intricate passions of my heart. Each time I poured tachot** in it The aroma mingled with that of our lovemaking When you dipped your hand in that chalice of gourds My heart glowed with the smile breaking on your face. Today, nkwane, your asoreh is gone from me I saw it break in front of my eyes Then, I knew you were not coming back. I looked around but couldn’t see Tears clouded the pupils that dilated for you But I wanted to keep it I wanted the asoreh to stay Stay in my room, in that corner Right above my ‘embo*** so when I turn at night you’ll be there, right there You, my Asoreh love, But they broke it so I can be ready for another Will I be ready? When will that be? I am broken, like our asoreh But our love remains, Our Asoreh love. * A specially crafted and decorated dish shaped like a chalice and made out of a gourd.Traditionally meant for the father of the house, and broken upon his death. ** Soup spiced with black-pepper leaves and bush mango seeds. *** Bed made of mud. ...
