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CONTRI,BUTORS Serena ANDERLINI-D'ONOFRIO is a Professor at the University of Puerto Rico at MayagOez. Her book The "Weak" Subject: On Modernity, Eros, and Women's Playwriting (1996) is a comparative s udy of women's author hip in the modem th ater. Its Italian translalion has appeared for Manifesto Libri by the title Dli in una (2004). Recently, Anderlini-D'Onofrio ha guest edited two issues of The loomal ofBisexuality: Women and Bisexuality: AGlobal Perspective (June, 2003); and Plural Loves: Designs (or Bi and Poly Living (F bruary 2005), both of which are also available as books by Haworth Press. Her memoir, Eros, A Memoir o( Bisexuality and Tran5Culwralism, will also appear in 2005 with Haworth Press. Her English tT
