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25 raft~II*~~*A~9~~~~tIf : ffHHi&~A DlI"'iI~m5)tB'iJ~*1 (Emigration of Hakka from China after the Second World War) lin, (Huang Jing) ABSTRACT This paper argues that the rise and fa ll of tht, emigration of Hakka from Mcizhou, one of the major Hakka settlemen ts in C hina, has been determi ned by the situation in C hina and abroad since 1945. The fieldwork conducted by thc author in 1994 demonstrates that Hakka emigration overseas reached its peak between 1946 to 1951, when China was in political turmoil. The period from the mid- 1950s to the mid19705 , however, witnessed only 4000 to 5000 Hakka emigrating from Mcizhou, due to government policies TOwards returned Overseas Chinesc and the negative in fl uence of the Cultural Revo lution on people with overseas connections. The wave of overseas emigration r~sum~d in 1979 when the Chinese government adopted economic reforms and the opendoor policy, and the outflow has grown especially since 1989. Compared with the emigration pattern before 1945, the post-1989 trend exhibi ts new cha racteristics. Firsri y, most o f the new Hakka emigrants settle in the United States, Canada and Australia rather than the traditional destination countries in Southeast Asia. This is mainly a result of the restrictive policies adopted by the latter countries to control Ch inese immigration whi le the fo rmer countries increased their immigration quota for Asians. Secondly, unlike the past, more female Hakka than male Hakka can be found among the em igrants, as 'international marriages' become common. Thirdly, the majority of Hakka emigrants today are educated young people, thus again departing from 476 lf~~j\ the old ernigr~l[ion patTern where emigration was purely exportation of labour. Nevertheless, according 10 government statistics, farmers still tOp the list of new Hakka emigrants rho ugh more and more professionals such as doctors, teachers and technicians aTC joining the rank. Though some people still emigr:l!e in o rder ro improve living conditions in the native place, this reason is no longer considered as of importance by the local Hakka. Instead, in the paSt decade, Hakka have emigrared mainly for family reunion, to pursue career development and for 'international marriage'. I994 irs JI . i1' i""AWJ~ Ji!ll!li A nJiIlI;~1l! l$tN ill ' ,II #1J~ ,IHIHi WI'j ,l~ ff · +~.«ttJi!l.B~M. k, MeJi!lVD••~%~n~ · #jJ~Ji!l~11(t-fu1"j;;t,fill ' mQWl:a!;UH~ 'I'I!I*I~ 'If .A.~g~.~« - ~nw••• · ~; ffl Ji!l ~~ film III* i';jlUtf,j\ ' Ji!l1~'t~l ' ~ &. ~ I>llh\J~J. lJtElli!I( ']l.WJlMJ !:Ii!!l~k ~llm ill ,~ ii ni;~;; • • = ~.W*.M •• ' .ffl••n.~g~~.*~ ~ .q. lJt~tlJJHiJilt ' 'Vlili'fiHliq;gfjtpi'illI~~ Ii! ' Wffllt!lll!t-'FIlii >1' ,m~11l1 iJl!!I+tI'tH!!lW, Dy fMHHIilI ' :ltllillli1!2DYl¥lc'HiiFff ' illJihliftiliHlf1l¥§tni\titl1\1:l!!pfr illIE • dJ ~:t'li!Ji\ #!lIi10J ' (!IiIJ..11II;fWJ. l'\1J\±'li!III ~ i!iWg w:A:Ii! 1Iilf.!lltlllllt!lI®.) • [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 14:59 GMT) '1'IOlrm,'j(;'p: ~R , )(1;(i~ , :ltJ't);:,1989'l'I;(I~ , lfilffl Jt!lI!liOIA a IOlrllil'l 8~.M.nM.M~q '¥ .H: - ·.MM. ·«25.2!l1lif; , iIi'F,'!',OIiI)EllitfI;(JiiJlt'J1e . hll . ;IUi§;' HIII;(HiiiH~ . '" . 1m . 1 'll7!Il'IllH' , 11;76.3% • !;lrul,")llfilfflJt!lI!AA a !OJMl1l18"I"m 1iI'il!Jiiltn'jfPIi:: . !".•.*$*ifJ0::;1Ol:\{I~ 1 "1Ji . 1111 • ~WI'll · ill~q.325.2.&~I;(DW ' ~WI'll ••MAua. , .~ l1\ • [pre: . 11i • !!; . "'(lJII,96.4% ' !1!@IIJ:\{lEJikl1iifflJt!lIM*A~!Il:!~~Jiil ' ,1[MIiilii1J9 ' 1iii1lJI\f,iit'(j40$IHI'1'$ , 800$IUld'. ' [l}" ~ZIl'l ' .'I'~/it:iL it' , Jl:it· ~l'lij'lIliHIIlHi)IjfJiil · iii"Ii'i'"lSl. , 1IJ ffll!!! "'"A 1l:lt~ l\'IIU ll:'l\' tU11I!IIII*i'i01/\i':li • ITO:;l!!!"'"i!!jj;ti B 9Jl:iU!UO! X~.l!!! •• ~H - ~ · .l!!! •• '1"AWfJJ.~ kJl:ita. M ~ 36.03% .' iliH'Ei!!IHi'4' ' J:VIl[1iJ"'lJl:ita.iI'JlIi74.68% ' .,ii1JtiBQ2 iff • !l!1J;1l''I'Atf:;\:.Jl:itaU,M ' It Iil!!!•• '1'A=Ii[1iJ'tl1Jl:italJtOq;e; W14fil • 9':.n'1'1IXl'f~ y ,tfil'J!!:1:lJl¥HW'I'.&JI'.~ HHflIUJtll'Al!!! Wl¥4.5il'i · llJJ!. ' :lt~>raln!!!!ltl¥/itiE~ , ll'!~~If1 Il~* ,],!JI!I1.(1' !!'l'ft I blJlti'i 1.34 8.94 23.04 40.47 25 .12 100 11l1illl!!1!1 0.85...
