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Notes Chapter 1 1. See for example, Yang Jianhua et aI., Xianggang chong Beizhan dao Huigui (Hong Kong: From colonial rule to reunification) (Fuzhou: Fujian Renmin Chubanshe, 1997); Yuan Bangjian (ed.), Xianggang Shilue (A concise history of Hong Kong) (Hong Kong: Mainstream Publisher, 1987); Steve Tsang, A Modern History ofHong Kong (London: 1. B. Tauris, 2004), pp. 183-90.An exception is John Carroll, A Concise History ofHong Kong (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2007), pp. 150-60. By way of contrast one contemporary analysis still worth reading is William Heaton, 'Maoist Revolutionary Strategy and Modem Colonialism: The Cultural Revolution in Hong Kong', Asian Survey, 10:9 (1970), pp. 840-57. 2. John Cooper, Colony in Conflict: The Hong Kong Disturbances May J967-January 1968 (Hong Kong: Swindon Book Co., 1970), p. 9. 3. Ibid., p. 284. 4. Jin Yaoru, Zhonggong Xianggang zhengce miwen shilu (Secrets and facts ofthe Chinese Communist Party's Hong Kong policy) (Hong Kong: Tinyuan Press, 1998). 5. Gary Cheung,Xianggang liuqi baodong neiqing (Inside story of the 1967 riots in Hong Kong) (Hong Kong: Pacific Century Press, 2000). 6. Zhou Yi, Xianggang zuopai duozhengshi (History of left-wing struggle in Hong Kong) (Hong Kong: Leeman Press, 2002). 7. Liang Jiaqun et aI., Baodong mixin (Secret stories ofthe riots) (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Economic Press, 2001). 8. Good chronologies are to be found in Cooper, Colony in Conflict, and Gary Cheung, Xianggang liuqi baodong neiqing. 9. Oxford, Rhodes House Library, Mss.Ind.Ocn.s.337, 'Transcript of interviews, 23 and 24 April 1987, given by Sir David Trench, Governor of Hong Kong (1964-71), to Dr Steve Tsang, and edited by Sir David Trench' (hereafter Trench interview, 1987). 10. Tsang, Modern History ofHong Kong, pp. 183-90. 11. Carver's note: TNA, FCO 40/95, Carver to CDS, MOD, 21 July 1967. 12. TNA, FCO 40/118, Sir Arthur Goldsworthy to M. D. 1. Gass, 8 September 1967. 13. Xu Jiatun, Xu Jiatun Xianggang huiyilu (Xu Jiatun's reflection on Hong Kong affairs), Vol. 1 (Taibei: United Press, 1994), p. 40. 182 Notes to pages 4-10 14. One work which places Hong Kong in that context is C. R. Schenk, 'The Empire Strikes Back: Hong Kong and the Decline of Sterling in the 1960s', Economic History Review 57:3 (2004), pp. 551-80. 15. John Darwin, 'Hong Kong in British Decolonisation', in Judith M. Brown and Rosemary Foot (eds.), Hong Kong's Transitions, 1842-1997 (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997), p. 16. Amongst the oddities outlined by Darwin: lack of significant constitutional evolution, of a Hong Kong nationalism, of demands for self-rule, and in terms of its economic prosperity, the absence of international or other pressure for four decades after 1945 for retrocession, and its 'complete absence as a topic of British political debate'before 1984;ibid.,pp.16-17. 16. Wm Roger Louis, 'Hong Kong: The Critical Phase, 1945-1949', American Historical Review 102:4 (1997), pp. 1052-84. 17. Peter Hinchcliffe, John T. Ducker and Maria Holt, Without Glory in Arabia: The British Retreatfrom Aden (London: LB. Tauris, 2006). 18. Louis, 'Hong Kong: The Critical Phase', p. 1053. 19. J. H. Smith, 'Trench, Sir David Clive Crosbie (1915-1988)" Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [ view/article/64160, accessed 7 May 2007]. There was nothing to worry about, former governor Sir Alexander Grantham assured 'The Times Diary', Trench had prior experience of sorting out such affairs in the Solomons, when 'he was sent to sort out some trouble ... when the natives were attacking Europeans and burning houses'; The Times, 16 May 1967, p. 10. 20. Obituary, The Times, 2 March 1983, p. 14. 21. Georgina Sinclair, At the End ofthe Line: Colonial Policing and the Imperial Endgame, 1945-80 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006). 22. Robert Bickers, Britain in China: Community, Culture and Colonialism, 1900-49 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999), p. 142. 23. See, for example, Beverley Hooper, China Stands Up: Ending the Western Presence, 1948-50 (London and New York: Allen and Unwin, 1986); Thomas N. Thompson, China's Nationalisation of Foreign Firms: The Politics ofHostage Capitalism, 194957 (Baltimore: School of Law, University of Maryland, Occasional papers, 1979). 24. Saki Dockrill, Britain~' Retreatfrom East ofSuez: The Choice between Europe and the World? (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002). 25. Zhou, History ofleft-wing struggle in Hong Kong, pp. 231-2. 26. FCO 40/114 Hong Kong Police Special Branch Report, Ref...
